Dilaudid 4mg Help????
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If i just take one, will it make me go to sleep? or will i feel fine or out of it?? i dont wanna take it at the wrong time..

5 Replies

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Taking two 30mg oxycodone every 3 to 4 hours is an enormous amount (to some folks). Oxycodone metabolizes so quickly I understand the need for that amount. The withdrawals are a monster at that dosage. In my opinion, they begin about 3 hrs even though there is pain relief still in process as you begin withdrawals, if that makes any sense and for me, in 12 hours my pain level is 6 or 7. In 24 hours it's 8 or 9, (10 being ready for suicide). I was on a dose of 40 mg methadone, 10mg every 4 hrs. with 15 mg oxycodone 3 to 4 x day for breakthrough pain. Nearly a decade I had withdrawal, all is well. Well, to make a long story short the staff changed, now all of a sudden 3 Doctors totally against the methadone decided it'd be best to cut it off. Believe it or not the Doctor ran my oxycodone from 15 mg. to 30 mg 8 x a day. My life's been a Livin' Hell first because my body doesn't like the oxycodone. It makes me arnry and very lethargic. I've tried the Suboxone, 32 mg during w/d, got pins n needles in the top of my head, some stomach cramping and 2hrs back in withdrawals. Can't sleep more than 2hrs at a time and withdrawal every morning before dawn. I have to keep a 1/2 pill by my bed at night. I stopped all my meds once and stayed heavy withdrawal for 12 days with no sleep and all the hell percs that go with it. Now, I am 64 yrs. old. and now believe one can't come back like when your young. Just a bit of FYI for persons consuming 60 mg. or more per day of any narcotic. The physical pain is very intense but the mental anguish is by far the worst. Coupled together is a perfect recipe for self expiration of one's life. It's a terrible thing for a group of people claiming to be "medical professionals" cut off a person so quickly no matter how they act. Somehow they should be held accountable. P.S. for the money, (at $30.00 a hundred), Methadone's the best pain medicine on the market. Doctors put it down because it's politically incorrect. It works, it's cheap and twice the half life of other pain meds. Withdrawals are no joke and don't begin well for 72 hrs. and last a long time.

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Constance, according to the narcotic converters, you would require 11.25mgs of the Dilaudid to equal each 30mg of dose of the Oxycodone.

However, I have no way of knowing what her rationalization is for her dosage choice.

Have you tried asking your doctor about it?



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I take 2 - 30mg oxycodone RR 7 was switched to 2 - 4mg Dilaudid. my q is this which is stronger, and what is the reasoning behind her thinking this would be enough, what
is the scale they use to try & make it work out. i am a total novice, as i was diagnosed with stage II cercical cancer with lymph node involvement last july.

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I take 2 30mg oxycodone every 3 hrs, my Q is this will 8mg of Dilaudid be enought to help me out of pain? What is the eq. of the two which is stronger?

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Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, which is a very potent narcotic. I can cause the side effects you mentioned, but there is really no way for anyone to say how it is going to affect you.

It can vary from person to person and depends on your tolerance to narcotics.

Learn more:


How do narcotics usually affect you?

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