Antipsychotic Forums (Page 49)

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i have white and orange/gold Risperdal tabs and got mixed up on dosages of each. can you help? ## The dosage depends on the description of the pill, a white oblong with R 1 on one side and JANSSEN on the other is 1 mg of Risperdal. An orangish gold with RIS 0.25 JANSSEN markings has 0.25 mg. If these are your pills, then I hope that helps. However, if these are not, please describe your pills so I can assist you better. ## Yes, and there are also a number of other generic forms of this medication from various manufacturers. Can you please post back with any specific markings on the tablets?

2 REPLIES Updated in Risperdal

a friend of mine is addicted to resperdol, i am very concerned and want to know more about this drug? ## Risperdal contains the active ingredient Risperidone. This is NOT a narcotic, but rather a very potent antipsychotic medication and it's abuse can be very dangerous.

1 REPLY Updated in Risperdal

Is risperidone and Risperdone the same drug and used for the same illnesses ## Resperdone is a common misspelling for Resperidone Risperidone is used for treating schizophrenia for young ages. It also helps with treating anxiety and behavior disorders in children. For more in formation about this drug click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Updated in Risperidone

one side in cap letters PATR on the other side it has a R on left and 1 on the right ## The white oblong pill with PATR on one side and R 1 on the other is Risperidone 1 mg, manufactured by Partiot Pharmaceuticals. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

1 REPLY Updated in Risperidone

Mental Health Medicine ## I believe the correct spelling of the drug which you are referring to is Seroquel. Please follow the link for more information...

1 REPLY Updated in Seroquel

Side Effects ## The correct spelling is Seroquel - please follow the link to read more information about this drug. "The most common side effect of quetiapine is sedation" "Common side effects include constipation, headache, dry mouth, weight gain (or loss)." "Less common side effects (less than 1% of patients) include abnormal liver tests, dizziness, upset stomach, substantial weight gain or weight loss, a stuffy nose, akathisia and increased paranoia." Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

1 REPLY Updated in Seroquel

drug for insomnia ## I need to know any common side effect of Seroquiel ## Seroquel contains Quetiapine, this is an atypical antipsychotic used to treat Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder and off label for other conditions such as insomnia. Some of the most common side effects include: sedation, headache, weight gain and dizziness.

2 REPLIES Updated in Seroquel

my 3yr old was givin rispadol today for his aggression once at night .25 and im scared can some one plez tell me more info i don't wan't to lose more of my child then i already have thank u for your time ## Risperdal is a very potent antipsychotic medication, its main side effects is drowsiness, which is why it is also commonly used to treat aggression and insomnia.

1 REPLY Updated in Risperdal

I have 2 round, white pills which have 93 on one side and 7240 on the other. I'm not sure what they are but I know that there has been 3 or 4 kids that have spent the night with ADHD (my son also has ADHD). I'm pretty sure I know which boy left this here but I'm not positive and very curious. I have tried several pill identifiers but I'm either missing the pill or it's not listed. Thanks. ## I just recently found one of these same pills in my guest room. I am worried if there was more than one because my dogs are in that room constantly. Please get back to me if you know what the white 93 7240 pill is. Thank you! ## This tablet contains 1mg Risperidone, a generic for Risperdal. This is an antipsychotic medication that is also used to treat Schizophrenia. Some of the ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Risperidone

My l4 year old has cerebral palsy and is on Baclofin. I would like to know if Risperdal is compatible with this medication? ## When taking Baclofen together with Risperdal, be sure to look out for respiratory depression. Together these meds might might increase each other's effect in that respect. As such, you should also monitor how coordination and alertness are affected. Do not administer the Risperdal with tea or cola. And above all, be sure that you and the prescribing physician are always on the same page! Report anything unusual to them, and please take what I'm saying as a general guideline. There is no substitute for professional medical attention! I hope this helps...

1 REPLY Updated in Risperdal

nearly orange in color, circular on top view and what i heard is that my doctor calls it thoracin. i guess it can cause a drug induced parkinson's disease. i experience a mild lack jaw because of it. ## I believe the medication you are referring to is Thorazine and yes, this can be a side effect of using it.

1 REPLY Updated in Thorazine

purple, round, 442 ## The name is actually an abbreviation of two drugs names, Perphenazine and Amitrriptyline, commonly sold under the brand name Etrafon. This is an antipsychotic drug, which is sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as sleep disorders. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, weight gain and insulin resistance.

1 REPLY Updated in Perphenazine

my mother is under hospice care in a nursing home .I found out they are starting her on thorazine, she is very ill and is not going to be with us much longer ,she can't get out of bed or even sit up on her own but she is not shhitzophrenic .tc. why are they giving her this drug ## maybe to make her relaxed and to stay as comfortable as possible. I hope it works out for you ## They use it on patients that they feel a disruptive, need too much attention. It will turn her into a zombie. They used it for the same on my Mother. Be very careful ## They use it as a sedative, so they can ignore the patient! Find another place for your Mom , or just care for her at home. I know it's a pain and an interruption but I did it for my Mom . She was with me in my home for only a month and a hal...

3 REPLIES Updated in Thorazine

Why is seroquill taken. What does it help? What are side effects? ## The correct spelling is Seroquel - active ingredient Quetiapine. "Seroquel Is An Atypical Antipsychotic Used In The Management Of Schizophrenia And Bipolar I Disorder, And Off-label For A Variety Of Other Purposes" "The most common side effect of quetiapine is sedation. It is prescribed specifically (off-label) for this effect in patients with sleep disorders" "Common side effects include constipation, headache, dry mouth, weight gain (or loss). Less common side effects (less than 1% of patients) include abnormal liver tests, dizziness, upset stomach, substantial weight gain or weight loss, a stuffy nose, akathisia and increased paranoia." For full details you can see: /drug_information_online.a...

1 REPLY Updated in Seroquel

white pill with gg 107 on it ## This is 4mgs Perphenazine, a generic for Trilafon. This is an antipsychotic medication. Some of the most common side effects include: weight gain, insulin resistance and allergic skin reactions. ## Is there a roxicodone tablet that is small and white with gg on top then a line and l7 with a blank back side.

2 REPLIES Updated in Perphenazine

sue ellen, because you have been on abilify for several years, i was wondering if there are other side affects besides the weight gain. Anything you can tell me about it would be helpful as i will have to consider using it long term or keep seaching for something that works for my situation. thanks, suzanne ## My son is on Abilify. He experiences severe sleep disturbance, blurry (double vision), and headache. At one time, he experienced erection problems. ## Simply put: your damned if you don't take it and damned if you do. It's a vicious cycle. ## I have been taking Abillify for about 3 years and have started a side effect that is called tardive dyskinesia. It involves uncontrollable jaw and hand movements that are like twitches but much worse. In some cases, like mine, the syn...

3 REPLIES Updated in Abilify

gold round 93 9652 5/16dia 1/8thick ## The color and size of the pills actually doesn't mean anything, it is the imprint which is important in order to identify it. This is Prochlorperazine 10mgs, a generic for Compazine. This is used to help prevent nausea and vomiting. ## PLEASE INDENTIFY THE PILL 93 9652

2 REPLIES Updated in Prochlorperazine

i have been prescribed so i want details ## i have been using sulpitac tab of 100mg per day....please tell how strongly it works. using bcoz.. of unwanted thoughts comes in the mind frequently ## This is a brand name from India for Amisulpride. However, since it is not regulated like US prescription drugs, I cannot find any other information on it.

2 REPLIES Updated in Amisulpride

I am want ing to stop use of this medicine. Wish to have ways of doing so. All at once or day by day Thanks ## Mellaril is an antipsychotic drug, so coming of it cold turkey and without a doctors supervision and assistance can be very dangerous. I suggest speaking to your doctor about the best way to stop this medication. In addition, if you have been on it for awhile, then your body had become dependent on the drug and you will experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it abruptly.

1 REPLY Updated in Mellaril

tablet,white ## Doctor has prescribed Suliptac 50 mg for my son aged 5 years whwo is diagnosed with Autism. Can u tell me if it has any side effects ## Sulpitac is a brand name from India, it contains the active ingredient Amisulpride. Amisulrpide is an atypical antipsychotic medication. Here's a web page with more information on the drug: Amisulpride Click Here

2 REPLIES Updated in Amisulpride
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