10/325 Quailiest Verses Watson Verses White Or Yellow (brand Name Norco) (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hello Hydrocodone world:

My experience is this. You can not beat Name Brand scored NORCO 10/325. However, my experience is Watson is a softer compound, & works faster. Now, the other generic NORCO 10/325 (36 01) scored other side. This is made by QUAILITEST: many people say they suck, because in fact, it is a harder compound to digest/desolve, therefore not getting a good feeling,but the slight slower release makes Quailiest (NORCO) actually kill the pain more so than Watson (GENERIC) 10/325. The watson have the edge, however the Qualitiest last longer & are so dang close, only a Dog may know the difference. Personally me, & all the 4 companies that make generic NORCO can stick it. Your/My Dr. is going to request the yellow dye, I do get allergic reactions minor,but enough to b**** about. So I will be getting a lot of paper work, and I will end up getting Yellow NORCO, as long as the Dr. request patient has allergic reactions, not to the dye, but rather various fillers, as well. And me & My g/f have Identical insurance plans for meds. And the G/f got the real deal NORCOS. My Dr respects me & I respect my Dr. And dr.'s know the difference between spinal issues & hop heads or some of us have both. LOL (JOKE).

Now the HOT tip - NORCO Now makes two Brand name NORCO 10/325 , some will be yellow & or white. Watson makes NORCO ( BRAND NAME) wich are yellow. Also Watson now makes the 1/325 NORCO it is white.

Bottom line (brand name 10/325) you will start to see in white & yellow, as we are now seeing, allergic reactions to the yellow color dye. Also 10/325 NORCO are usually yellow, again they are moving to white tablets, and are currently selling both colored (WATSON GENERIC) norcos. Same goes for Brand name NORCOS, Yellow & white.

They are taking the yellow dye out both Name brand & watson brand NORCOS. You may see yellow & or white in your Watson 10/325 also Brand name 10/325

Ask your Dr for a over ride due to alergic reactions, most insurances will cover , if the findings of the request are found to be true. But now they are making the same company, same drug, Brand name & generic & in both white & or yellow (watch out for (CVS pharmacies) they carry s*** loads of s***, that is totally the s*** of all s*** & works like s***. Request brand name to your Dr & ask nicely & all the above will not apply. Watson's are etched in most peoples mind, however the Quailitest & watson are just how fast or slow the absorbtion rate/time to get into the blood stream. If you really want this Norco in your blood stream like instantly? LOL Check in to a 28 day drug rehabb & ask this? what is the fastest way to get any drug into my blood stream? Than youll be safe for 28 days, if they let you out. (JOKE).

120 Replies (6 Pages)

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Are the Qualitist effective?
I have to pick them up At Target today but very fearful, and Safeway has Activas not sure which to pick up?

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i have been taking norcos for 15 + years 3 times a day and i found no diffecence my wife likes the yellow ones she heard they r better on liver i told her they were not but she does not believe me

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I have noticed that. I got Percocet from Sam's and it is from that manufacturer and it is chalk.

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Where do I get the name brand not generic? Not cvs or walmart

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I have been taking norcos since 1992 3 times a day and i found that the white ones dont kill my pain as quickly as the yellow ones but last longer. They are made from a more time released blend than that of the yellow ones. They both serve a purpose so i have some of each for that reason.

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Amen! I've talked to the SAFEWAY Pharmacy Mgr. He says he has no control over what the Safeway corp will purchase from one month to the next, its solely in which company gives them the better deal, of course no thought of the public or patients that need their medications. Now he will try to order me what brand I want but it has to be approved, by this and by that and insurance and ect...ect, he really tries to help and do what he can. It had been a nightmare the last few years

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Question; for anyone has anyone out there ever tried the McLintock, may be spelled wrong, but that one, brand of hydro 7.5/325?

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I'm looking for pain management in San Diego. Anyone??

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Has anyone had the hydrocodone generic
Amnal or something like that!? Once again some off the wall generic of my hydro, that a chain store pharmacy got in.

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I live in Florida and cannot find the other ones anywhere so could someone please tell me which pharmacy has the yellow ones?

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I have the opposite effect with the yellow narco made by PAR or Qualtest. I'm breaking out in a rash, having tachacardia, and it lasting maybe two hours on me. The white actavist or Watson 853 &-even the ones marked with IP 100 last longer and I have no problems..I was on Vicodin..all last yr and yrs before..worked great was named brand but my pharmacist stopped carrying them for me because he said he was losing $100/rx..my insurance pays very well..I may pay $2.65 but he was getting over $300 from my insurance company..I guess he didn't snap I get a run down in what they pay for and how much...but, back to white vs. Yellow...give me any brand of white and it works longer and better with out an allergic reaction bcuz of dye vs no dye...my Dr writes as Narco but my plan his with generic if no name brand..I can't switch pharmacy due to my Dr is out of town and the poedunk pharmacies won't fill from specialist of any kind from the 3rd largest city in the US even if it's a RA med. The pain drs here and the pharmacies have a nice little arrangement going...keep the outside on the outside..and in this 3rd largest city they say they take your insurance but when it comes to a pain med they want $225 & your first born, forget it..I'm lucky I have the one close to home to fill for me, but he does go to church with my brother lol..

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Hi Deb, I realize your post was quite some time ago, but has the brand name been quite effective for you? I just had a similar issue after having taken qualitest for years, but do not want to go through all the extra trouble and money if they're not really worth it. Thanks.

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So I'm having trouble too and trying to find out who actually manufractuers Name Brand...with the lack of pain relief my ability to function to read through all of this is difficult

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I can't find WAtson yellows anymore. What choices are available?

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This is a late post post to your comment but it very true. I was at my primary Doctor talking who I don't get my pain meds from. He told me since Prince death his office is going to stop giving pain meds to there patients for long term. So Prince may of had a problem the rest of us who need pain meds for our pain and take them for that are going to suffer.

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You are not in the minority. I think they are now being changed to have that effect. Although I can't say that to me it is a feel good drug - more like a feel really bad plus no pain relief! But "whacking me out" is a good description. (mine are/were the 10's)

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It's the pharmacy I have probs with ordering white norco, not the Dr. My insurance ok'd my use of Vicodin, but the pharmacist refuses to order it bcuz he says he lost $. My insurance pays well and I know how much they paid him. He's being a horses azz. The only reason I use him is, I've had so many of my pain pills stolen from pharmacies that I've gone to him, since he graduated with my brother and the rx count is always correct. Also, the pain management Dr's in this hick town have control over the all the other major non mom and pop pharmacies. No filling from Dr's out of town, that even goes for my brothers RA med!! Basically it's about the buck. Plus the Dr's in this area are anesthesiologist, want you to go thru shots, which I can't as told by another anesthesiologist yrs ago due to the place in my neck where I'm fubard. They only give #90 pills, no muscle relaxers, and with fibro, nerve damage, ya need a Damn good one. It's all about thier controlling the area and the $ they get coming into thier office..I've worked with these Dr's, so..Yea, I know them..and wouldn't take my dog to them. Most smart ppl in my area go to the third largest city in the US for thier medical needs, OB, GYN, dental, etc two hours away..so it's just not pain docs..I just need to move back home...less BULLS*** to deal with and laws aren't as crazy on this medication..Now there is a methadone list tho..sa la vè as the cajuns say ;p

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Also, has anyone heard of Loricet and Loritabs coming back. They are in my formulary with my insurance company....any one?

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if you're asking who has the yellow hydrocodone 325 10 in the Chicago area at least CVS has them. I have been getting them there for quite some time. also I recently got them at Walmart last month. just got a script from Walmart and they were the white ones and I found that the white ones we're not nearly as good as the qualitest yellows. in the past I have had Watson and found them at the time to be better than the qualitest. of course my insurance won't cover name brand Norco without a $200 copay for a one month supply of only two pills per day.I had to call my doctor back up and get a new script and bring in the medicine and destroy it in front of them and of course the insurance wouldn't cover thescript because I just had it filled. my pain doctor suggest them in a higher but would not prescribe them in a higher quantity that would equal two per day of the 10\325 . so I just had to pay 50 bucks for a new script of the yellow ones.I do agree with previous poster that the Watson's definitely kicked in faster you know you took something when you took thosequite soon after taking them.

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did you get the white or yellow qualitest? I recently got the white ones at Walmart and did not find them as effective as the yellow ones.I took them assuming they were the same. I have been taking the yellow ones 4 quite some time.and they seem to work okay. not as good as name brand Norco or as good as Watson that I had in the past.

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