Oligo Guard Use

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I am Suri. My semen analysis results..shows. .volume. 4.0,colour; Grayish white. Viscocity.thick,,liquification time ;25:min,total count :47.0 millions, Active motility :25%,Sluggish motility :30%,,Non Motility :45%,,Normal Morphology :65%,,Abnormal Morphology :35%,Pus cells :2-4/Hpf.Epithelical cells :1-2/Hpf. Impression :mild Oligozospermia. My doctor suggested me Oligocene Guard. I want children. .please choose me a right way.

my sperm count report is , first time test report is MICROSCOPIC REVLED OCCASIONAL DEAD FORMS. THERE ARE NO MOTILE SPERMATOZOOA. the sperm colour - greyish white, volume 1.5, liquefaction - 1 hour, reaction - alkaline, viscosity - thick, PUS CELLS - 4-6/HPF, RBC's - 1-2/HPF, then the doctor was suggested another lab again this test , after 8 days , then the result is, VOLUME - 1.5 REACTION - 8.0, MICROSCOPY - 1 TO 3 PUS CELLS/HPF, 0 TO 1 RCB/HPF, NO SPERMATOZOA SEEN., LIQUIFACTION TIME 30 MINUT S , then doctor suggest the tablets peternia and oligo guard tablets. so please kindly suggest me, I want children . thanking you,

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