Can Doxytet Treat Eye Infection

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I went to the clinic because my vagina is itching,sore and am expireincing lower abdomina pain and my skin is loosing color in my eyebrows and the nurse gave me Doxytet and Fixime, will this help me? Please help am desparate ## Doxytetracycline and Cefixime are antibiotics that are used to treat various types of bacterial infections. They should help, if that's what's causing your problem. Learn more Doxytet details here. Learn more Fixime details here. They may cause some side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Did she say what your illness is? ## Im having rush in my vargina and its paining,ichy,an burnig, i went to da clinic and they gave me doxytet.i wanna know if this pills will help

2 REPLIES Filed under Doxytetracycline

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