White Oval Pill One Score On One Side No Other Numbers (Top voted first)


white big as ambien a score on one side...no letter or number on either side

2 Replies

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If there are no markings on it, it is going to be very difficult to narrow down what this is.

We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification.

However, it could be something available over the counter or even a foreign medication.

Where was it found?

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In a hotel room under the dresser and i also found a few behind the bed. I felt as if it were crack or coke since it has no smell. My other guess was it may be a type of poison for roaches but i've never seen something in this form for that very thick circle shaped pill, chalky like, smooth, no markings, no lines and no numbers on either side. Please help me figure this out and yes i even took one with water and im still alive.

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