Pharmacies Won't Refill My Ketoprofen (Page 2) (Top voted first)


anyone else having this problem? I looked on the internet and can't see that it's been banned.

28 Replies (2 Pages)

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I sent an email to Teva, the leading generic maker of Ketoprofen, a couple of days ago about Ketoprofen not being available. Their response was "it should be available in 6 weeks or that could change". They gave me this phone number and email address to contact them in the future. It is 1-800-545-8800 option 3 option 5. The email address is [email protected].

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Yes I knew you had mentioned that you've been calling them. I just wanted to give out the phone number and email address that they had responded with, so others could call and email them too.

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Ketoprofen back on the market. Got my filled last week. Walmart will not get it but I got a local pharmacy to order it for me. It costs much more than it used to but am just glad to get it back. Teva is the only one making it.

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What pharmacy and in what state? I have tried several different ones in the Los Angeles, California area and am unable to locate ketoprofen at any strength. However this was before your report of having your's refilled.

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Conoly Drug Health Mart
200 S Teel Dr, Devine, TX 78016
(830) 663-2224

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Re: Schwim (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

I'm having the same problem. Have been going around to individual pharmacies looking for 50mg pills. Not having much luck. Note that Mylan still makes the 200mg extended release caps. Maybe we can appeal to them to make the 50mg or 75 mg caps. TEVA is in deep financial problems, most likely the reason they quit making the 50mg caps in he first place.

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Re: BarbaraJ (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I was not able to get the 75 mg of ketoprofen but I have been getting the 25 mg and take three at a time.

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Hello, Cricket! How are you?

What reason are they giving you for not filling it?

Ketoprofen is classified by the FDA as being a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.

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