Methylphenidate Drug Test False Negative
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My daughter is taking 20 mg er methylphenidate qd. She is not testing positive as she should. This is the second test that has not tested positive. They are wanting to not give her the rx, which she needs for school. It is very frustrating having them think I do not give the meds to her. I most certainly do. How can a test not show the drug? I have called the manager at the doctors office and she stated they test for the methylphenidate.

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Re: Scott (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Mine always comes back negative. One time they sent it to a forensic lab and they got a positive. My doctor knows I take mine. I've taken it around 6 am for years. It never shows up and I've had appointments scheduled at all times of the day. It's a mystery.

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What drug test did they do I'm having the same problem

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I just had a urine test for methylphenidate, this is the second time in a month it showed negative. Yet I have been taking it and also took it 2-3 hours prior to the test. Now they are reducing the amount and claiming I am the only one this has happened to. I asked for a blood test, which was done, but I want to get the proof that it is their test that lies, not me.

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I have the same issue. I have been taking 40 mg methylphenidate for years. My psychiatrist took me off of it because it doesn't show up in UDS administered by the Veterans Administration. I always take as prescribed except for the occasionally dropped pill or something.

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Re: Stacia (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

happened to me as well... my research shows that they are testing me for amphetamines but methylphenidate er is NOT an amphetamine nor is it a derivative of an amphetamine - the PA at my clinic insists that it is so i am still battling them - they have been testing me for 7 months and i've never had a positive drug test like i am supposed to - they have always filled my prescription until i ran into this PA - i never even knew my other drug tests weren't showing it. This is the first time i was told something was wrong...

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This just happened with my daughter. Dr. said she would talk with her supervisor to see if there was a different way to test her. Do you have any suggestions?

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I went to the doctor this morning and the 5 and 12 drug screen panel did not test for methylphenidate. they ordered a test that specifically tested for the drug. got her new script and all is well

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