Hit My Head While Taking Xarelto


Last night my boyfriend and I were both reaching for the TV remote to shut off the TV and bumped heads pretty hard. Full disclosure: I had a few drinks. It hurt for a minute, and then I forgot about it. This morning I woke up with a dull headache, but on the opposite side of where we hit heads. I've also felt like I've been in a fog all day at work, and the dull headache has stayed, maybe even feeling more like pressure. The spot where I got hit is tender to the touch but otherwise fine. No double vision, but I notice that it's harder for me to focus on things that are close up.

I have been on Xarelto 15mg twice a day for the past 2 weeks following a PE. Should I be worried? Every pamphlet etc says call your doctor if you hit your head. I don't know if bumping heads qualifies as hitting my head. I did call my doctor, but am waiting to hear back from them. I tend to be a worrier, and I think knowing all the side effects of the Rx is making it worse!

6 Replies

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I would think you should call your doctor as a follow up. Better to be safe than have future problems.

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You need to go see a doctor or atleast contact yours. You could very possibly have a concussion and that is nothing to hesitate about! The symptoms you are describing from the bump sounds like you may have one! Call or go to your dr TODAY!

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Call your doctor. that is the safest way to go. :)

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I just hit my head on corner on cabinet door above stove. It was a good bump but no blood.
I'm now not sure if I should call someone? I'm on x2 15mg Exarelto daily & only 10 days in.

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@Kessa and @KK,
Isn't xarelto a blood thinner? If you are on it and it your head (doesn't matter where or how). I think it's better to either, 1) call your doctor 2) go to the ER,or go to a urgent care center. Taking a blood thinner and hitting your head can cause a hematoma. In fact, I believe it can be more danger if you don't see any swelling on the outside because you might have internal bleeding. In the best interest to your health and well-being, check it out.

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I hit my head on really hard on a shattered glass window and now my head is really throbbing what should I do

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