Eye Drops With Oxymetazoline (Top voted first)


replacement for Visine LR

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I need an eye drop that has Oxymetazoline in it,

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Hey fellow oxymetazoline users. it feels like a crime to stop making Visine LR and workplace. I've signed the petition. i'm going to call j and j as well. We need an organized social media plan. there must be thousands of others.

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If you are using Afrin, make sure to dilute it with DISTILLED WATER and not regular tap or bottle water. Distilled water is sterile and is what we use at the hospital for compounds requiring water. You would dilute it in a 1:1 ratio. I am a pharmacist.

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Well, I just shelled out $120 USD for 3 bottles on ebay. Today was my first day in years going without the visine with Oxymetazoline and my eyes are completely red, I look like a monster. I've been using Visine Triple Action today and it does absolutely nothing, in fact might even make it worse. I'm sure I'll be putting the nasal spray in my eyes once these 3 bottles run out.

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From what I can discover, it seems it has been discontinued, however, on their website, they list the active ingredient as being Oxymetazoline.

Ironically, it is not used in any of their other products.

I am not finding a lot of over the counter products that contain it, however, Claritin Eye Allergy Relief Drops have it and so does Ocuclear.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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Same here, I have been looking for this for a couple of a
Days now... It is the only eye drops that work for me.

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If any one knows who else uses this ingredient in their product please let us know

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Afrin nasal spray also uses Oxymatazoline Hydrochloride. Haven't tried it yet but I'm gonna try. It's 0.05% as opposed to the 0.025% level in Visine. It's also about $8 for a 1-ounce bottle so way cheaper than Visine.

Screw Visine and J&J for not listening to their customers.

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I thank you all who have signed the petition!

I am also working on another angle. I have contacted the makers of Nostrilla (nose drops with oxymetazoline) which some of you on this link use at: [email protected]

I have asked them to please make an eyedrop with oxymetazoline as they are already marketing a nose spray with the ingredient. In the email, I let them know that Johnson and Johnson has discontinued Visine LR and NOW there isn't any EYEDROPS ON THE MARKET WITH OXYMETAZOLINE. I told them they would be the only company in the US to produce this much needed product. Prestige Brands actually sent me a letter stating they are bringing this issue to their marketing and quality assurance personnel!

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I have used Visine LR every day for the past 35 years and it is the only eyedrop that works for me to relieve redness. So I have switched to Afrin nasal spray which contains the same Oxymetazoline HCl active ingredient as Visine LR, but at 0.05% rather than 0.025%. I just use fewer drops in each eye with Afrin and it relieves redness in my eyes the same way as Visine LR. Try it and see. It works!

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Only thing that works for my wife...Seems the FDA issued a warning several years ago about kids under 5 DRINKING this... so everyone overreacted and has discontinued it... STUPID STUPID STUPID. If the dumb kids drink it, jail the parents !! So tired of this type action... so make it for ADULTS ONLY.

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Looked everywhere today, none available, looked online ? $40 a bottle....such bulls***

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For everyone on this link, there is another conversation going on in the same exact webpage about Visine LR being discontinued, see:


I have started a petition on change.org to bring this product back, see:


Please sign it if you are inclined and read our current postings on the above link.

Thank you!

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I think we all know and agree that it is outrageous what sellers are charging for remaining bottles of Visine LR! I worry though about putting nasal sprays in my nose. I don't know if this is safe? I will be sending my petition on change.org to Johnson and Johnson soon to ask them to please bring Visine LR back to the market. I don't know if it will help but I feel at least I need to try.

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Here's what I did, Walmart has artificial tears ($3.00) two drops in each eye along with one drop of Afrin, just like Visine LR

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in mexico they carry eye drops with oxymetazoline, grimal and oxylin liquifilm.......

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Not all Walgreens carry the visine LR, which means that they are just selling what stock they have left. Not sure why visine stopped making this brand. I don't like anything else. Need the oxymetazoline

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I think we all need to start writing some letters to Alex Gorsky, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson - and see if he is aware that they are discontinuing one of their best products??? I agree, raise the price - just don't discontinue this great product!!!

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I have the same issue as Mike. I have used this product for probably 5 years now daily. I know you aren't supposed to use this product daily but if I don't my eyes look like demon eyes. None of the other Visine products work. Maybe for other people, but not for me. Oxymetazoline is what works. I had no idea there was a shortage or I would have stocked up. I ran out yesterday and I just paid $90 for 3 bottles on e-bay (friggen pirates) but its worth it. I can tell you that I did buy the Afrin and used it in my eyes and it worked. Don't put it in straight though. Its too strong. Use an eye wash mixed in. I used Advanced Eye Relief Eye WASH from Bausch & Lomb. 2 parts Afrin with 1 part wash to reduce it to the Visine LR level. I am only going to do this until my bottles arrive from the e-bay pirates. Then when those bottles run out in 9 months, I will go back to the Afrin mix. Which is ridiculous. BRING BACK VISINE LR for the love of God. I signed the petition. Everyone should.


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