Bad Leg And Hip Pain


I am taking olmesartan 20mgs and 120 mgs diltiazem per day. Have had chronic, incapacitating leg and hip pain, almost like sciatica, unable to walk, plus a rash on my legs and arms. Stopped dilt for 10 days and pain almost gone. Coincidence or can ths terrible pain etc be related to dilt? Can walk now too.

2 Replies

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Yes, it could be due to the Diltiazem, it has happened to others that have taken it and I experienced such problems myself with several blood pressure medications.

Other side effects, as listed by the FDA may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination.

You may want to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you. Its good to know others have experienced this. Will be speaking to my dr. This week. Agan, thank you.

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