What Is The Withdrawal Like From New Oxycontins (Top voted first)


Withdrawal from the new Oxycontins? Symptoms and lenght of time to get off of these pills?

4 Replies

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There's really no set time for getting off of them, that's going to vary depending on what the person is being treated for and how long they've been taking them, as well as the dosage.

The withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, headache, drowsiness, sedation, diarrhea and rebound pain. The severity of these will also vary, depending on whether or not a person was abusing them, or taking them as prescribed, the length of time and the dosage.

Learn more Oxycontin information here.

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You will feel awful if you just quit taking them you must titrate the dosage. These class of drugs depress your breathing, your heart rate, pulse and sometimes your whole system if you've been on them long enough. If you abruptly stop them your hormones can and most likely will be affected and you will get very sick. It's just like detoxing from H.

Seek medical help to get off these pills if you choose to do so. Don't go through it on your own get help.

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I may be have breathing problems from prescribed OxyContin,taken for years. What will the dr do about it? I'm afraid of getting detox sick.:( I'm middle aged.

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Most likely lower your dose...sorta to trade you down until the dosage no longer has negative effects on your respiratory system.

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