Temporary Blindness Side Effects. (Top voted first)


Started taking Belviq early in the year. After about a month I started having bouts of temporary blindness in my right eye that lasted 2-5 minutes. This happened about 4 times over the course of a month, always in my right eye. Like a shade was being pulled down in the back of my eye. This had never happened to me before, but it wasn't until the 3 occurrence that I put two and two together, and thought it might be the Belviq. At around 2 1/2 months, I stopped taking Belviq and the problems went away. My doctor was unavailable for an appointment concerning this so I pretty much forgot about it. Five months later when seeing him for a yearly checkup, I made him aware of what had happened. Long story a bit shorter, I mentioned to him my research of the blindness issue turned up a possible issue with my carotid artery, which he completely agreed with. The Belviq didn't cause the problem, but I assume however it works in the brain, it made me aware that I had a corotid artery issue. Sure enough after an ultrasound test, it was determined my right corotid artery was over 70% "plugged" up and the left one was fine. Each physician was amazed that I hadn't had a stroke. So for me, thank goodness I started taking Belviq or I would never had known of my corotid artery issues as I had zero signs of there being a problem. I had surgery and am so glad I did! I am 61 and lost 8 pounds over the 2 1/2 months I was on the Belviq. Taking Belviq and the problem never reoccurred. My doctor was unavailable for a visit at the time and the problem had gone away, so I forgot about it. Five months later during my yearly check up with my doctor I mentioned my blindness issues with Belviq. Long story a bit shorter, it turns out.

2 Replies

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Wow! I'm very glad it helped you discover the problem in time to have something done about it.

Did you experience any other side effects from it, such as those listed by the FDA like nausea, dizziness or dry mouth?

Have you gone back on the Belviq?

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I had zero side effects other than feeling just a tiny bit lethargic for the first week. I have not gone back on. My doctor thinks I should. I probably will.

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