Tamazepam Waking Me Up Now?
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I have been taking Temazapam 15 mg for a week now, and now I wake up more (every hour) than I did before starting it. Any ideas? I feel pretty discouraged.

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it was that way for me to with the 15mg. I can only tell you what worked for me since im not a doctor. I told my doctor i kept waking up on 15mg as well and she put me up to 30mg. I haven't had that problem since. It works great for my sleep. Drugs affect everyone different though. Also, there are times i just can't sleep no matter how many mg's i take and/or what i take. I just have bad nights sometimes. They are very rare now that my dose is correct but i still do every now and then. This i think is normal because were not machines and nothing will work perfect all the time and I learned to deal with that part of it but yea thats what i did and I sleep a ton better than before. Good luck

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That is very unusual, it usually causes such severe drowsiness and somnolence that people are advise to make sure they have at least 8 hours set aside to sleep, after taking it.

Some medications, however, can cause the opposite effect in some people, so this means it may not be the right medication for you.

Have you spoken to your doctor about trying something else?


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