Synthroid Allergy-lips Swollen And Chapped
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I had thyroid taken out in May of this year. Started taing generic version of synthroid-75mcg. I had no problems. Went in July to endo doc and tsh levels were 23 so she raised to 100mcg. Has my RAi-100miC-with no problems in mid July. Started getting chapped lips end of August. Endo doc attributed to not at correct TSH levels. Levels still high at 6 so medicine raised to 125mcg. I had 100mcg left so for 3 weeks took M-F 100mcg x 1 and then Sat and Sun took 100mcg x 2. Still having issues w lips so tried zinc oxide and hydrocortisone w some success. Went off medicine for 4 days and lips went back to normal. So seems like allergic reaction. Since still having problems tried generic non dye pill and that did not work. I then did round of 6 day pack of prednisone and was on name brand Tirosint. While on prednisone my lips went pretty much back to normal. I have been off the predisone for 4 days and unfortunately now I have red patches all around my lips. Lips seem to be okay this time. Any suggestions? What else can I do?

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Armour thyroid had changed their fillers in 2009 and this caused an allergic reaction with swelling of face. I now use Nature Thyroid just the way it is spelled and there are no allergic reactions. I take the same dosage as with Armour. Nature Thyroid uses 65mg instead of 60mg as in Armour. This makes no difference. I take two 65mg tablets each day.

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After my post I actually started on natural armour thyroid medication-60mcg, and it seemed like it was going to work and then same thing happened w/red patches all around my lips and cracked lips. I saw my endocrinologist this week and looking at my lips/reaction she believes it is an allergic reaction. I am going to be seeing an allergist next week to see if we can get to the root of the problem. So we shall see if he determines that it is an allergic reaction or something else. I will post an update.

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Hello, Christy! How are you doing? Has there been any change?

Rather than an allergic reaction, there's a chance that you are just experiencing side effects, which would be normal, anytime your dosage is changed, according to the NIH.

It would also make sense for things to improve, if you stop taking it.

Has your doctor done any testing or lab cultures to get to the root of the problem?

Have you considered consulting a dermatologist?

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