Rozerem For Insomnia
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I've suffered from insomnia for years. I was prescribed Rozerem recently and so far, it works. Directions are to take 30 minutes before bed. They do work! The only side effects mt doctor found were erratic menstruation. That I have not experienced yet.

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Re: Georgia Curlin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello..... sorry But it really doesn't help with insomnia at all! Does not even make you tired or sleepy...

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My doctor gave me Rozerem. I iired it for a few night and it didnt do anything. I didnt sleep. I was taking Ambien CR in the past so on the 3rd night I went back to my Ambien CR 12.5 mg and finally got some sleep. I would like to try Rozerem but they need to increase the dosage higher then 8 mg becuase people like me who have had insomnia for a year, it doesnt work for me

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Last night was the first night I tried this. I do think i slept sounder. Although, I still woke up a few times. This morning I am feeling some what dizzy and having trouble focusing. I'm not sure if this is something that will get better after time.

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Rozerem has been shown to have many benefits for those who have insomnia characterized by an inability to fall asleep, if you have insomnia from waking to early, then it is not so beneficial, so it depends on what is causings yours.

So far, studies have also shown that it has not shown any signs of abuse or addiction, because it works in the body via different methods than most traditional hypnotics.

However, it is still classified as a hypnotic and thus, can cause side effects, some people tolerate it very well with no problems, while others may experience some side effects and adverse reactions. There is really no way to tell how it will work for you, if you have side effects that are bothersome, talk to your doctors as there are other options you can try, as well as cognitive therapies, but if they are mild, you can just relax and ignore them, they do go away for most people in about 2 weeks, once your body has adjusted to the medication.

Here's the monograph and side effect info:

Rozerem Info Click Here

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I have been taking it successfully for about a month with no side effects. Best wishs.


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I have also started taking Rozerem. I saw no results after two nights but the dr. said it took time to work and not to quit taking it. I don't find this statement in the drug company information. Meanwhile I am really tired after waking up every few hours last night. Anyone else given this advice?

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I have just started Rozerem and would like to know how others like it and what side effects they have had.

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