Round Chewable Tablet With Rp 110 Imprint (Top voted first)


All I can see on the back of the package is "relief 125 mg". Any idea what it may be?

3 Replies

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It's gas relief medication. I have a box of the stuff in front of me right now.

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Equate brand - Extra Strength Gas Relief - 125mg Simethicome

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Did the labeling just get ripped off the bottle?

Judging from the little bit you can see on the package, it's likely for pain relief, sinus relief, cold and flu relief, allergy relief, or some other over-the-counter medication. I could be wrong, but the imprint does not turn up under any of the U.S. prescription drug databases, leading me to this conclusion.

If you're able to take the bottle over to your local pharmacy, I would think that they would have an idea of what it could be or what it actually is, since they come across bottles like this on a regular basis.

I hope this helps!

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