Pharmacies That Carry Yellow Perc 10 325 In Hickory Nc (Top voted first)


Im havin alot of trouble finding a pharmacy that carries yellow perc 10/325s n my area. Most of them carry the IP204s but these dont work nearly as well. Is it ok 2 call pharmacies & ask which 1s they carry?

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Im not sure of.the manufactor but i thought that calling the pharmacies wouldnt get far. Thank you for your info..ill research some manufactors & c what i can find. I knew about pharmacies basically stockpiling the cheapest medicines so these obviously arent the cheapest they can purchase

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I've actually switched to red bali kratom in place of the yellow percodan. I couldn't get my percodan anywhere, my initial drugstore says it was on back order. Well it's been 5 months now. Plus the kratom made it so I'm officially off opiates. Yahhhh. I'm doing great & feeling great.

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Whichever one that a pharmacy has in stock will depend on who was offering the cheapest price at the time they needed to replenish their supply.

Learn more Percocet details here.

That said, no calling will not get you straight and accurate answers, due to the fact that this is a controlled substance and they have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer with a need, or a potential thief. Thus, you'd have to go in and actually show them your prescription to find out.

If you know who the manufacturer is of the ones that worked well for you, you can try asking your regular pharmacy to order them in for you.

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The IPs are made by Amneal and are pure s***!! Make a complaint at your pharmacy, take the rest to your doc and get a new script for the balance. Amneal is on the FDA's list and under scrutiny for their lousy medicine. Report them also to the FDA with the reactions you have had. I started getting lousy medicine from the pharmacy I went to that was made by Amneal last year!! They are trying to take over the generic market with their useless garbage filler-filled "medicine". Complain to the pharmacy and FDA. I got hung up on when I called Amneal. Hope this helps.

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