Period Delay After Abortion Pill (Page 9)
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Hi, I got pregnant in last april, had one abortion pill. I got heavy period instantly for 5-6 days. My period was due on 22nd May. It did not came. I checked Pregnancy test and result was negative. Still I am not getting my period started. Its 12 Days now. Plz suggest what should i do? Also, There is any chance that I am still pregnant? Thanks.

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I had I pill(medabon) abortion , I had unprotected sex on the 4th day,the bleeding continued for some days and I was having sex alright, I tested negative soon after the bleeding stopped.
The sex continued not everyday though, but on the 11th August I experienced some blood after sex and the spoting lasted 2 days. We again had sex the 3rd day since the spoting had stopped, I suddenly felt like throwing up soon after my husband ejaculated. It's 20th today and I decided to take a pregnancy test which the result gave me 2 lines (positive) a dark red and a faint red line, could it be pregnancy???

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I had I pill abortion , I had unprotected sex on the 4th day,the bleeding continued for some days and I was having sex alright, I tested negative soon after the bleeding stopped.
The sex continued not everyday though, but on the 11th August I experienced some blood after sex and the spoting lasted 2 days. We again had sex the 3rd day since the spoting had stopped, I suddenly felt like throwing up soon after my husband ejaculated. It's 20th today and I decided to take a pregnancy test which the result gave me 2 lines (positive) a dark red and a faint red line, could it be pregnancy???

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I had sex four days after my menstruation but I took abortion pill the next day of the sex and later had bleeding for 4days but my period is ought to come by 28 of July but it never comes. Should I still wait more for it or should I take a pregnancy test?

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Hi i got pregnant for 2 months. I had mtp kit . But i didnt got the periods. Then my test was showing faint line. I had 2 nd mtp kit. I didnt got periods. But test was negative. Now i didnt had period. I m very anxious. Help me. Test is negative

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Hi I m five day pregnant then consult to doctor and I use precousan and test was show negative after 5 months delay periods are late pls tell me ?what is hapening

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Hey, i had my period on 17rh april and ut did nit comr out so i took pregnancy test and it was positive so i have had abortion pills on 27th april and instantly my period came for 5 days with high bleeding. Again on 2nd may my period came. But i m upset. Can it be possible i m still.pregnant. please help me asap.

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I had my abortion april 14 its now june 16th im suppose to have my period by now... im kinda scared to tell my bf im late because what if im still pregnant.... I mean reading these post it sounds quite normal for the period to be late after the abortin

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my last period occurs on 7 th march 2014. on april i found pregnent. i take misopristol on 20 th april. after taking this heavy bleeding occur. today 25 th may my period was nat start.

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Hi we had sex on may 1st and I toke pregnancy test on 21 st I got positive ...... so I dont want tis to happen gonna take pills for it.... wen it wil get abort and wen il get my periods last period was on april 13 2014.....

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Hi, I got pregnent in last april, had one
abortion pill. I got heavy period instantly for
5-6 days. My period was due on 22nd May.It
did not came. I checked Pregnency test and
result was negative. Still I am not getting my
period started. Its 12 Days now. Plz suggest
what should i do?
Also, There is any chance that I am still

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my last period was 25 feb but march month my period not came in same date whn i checked pregnancy on 14 april show positve thn i take mtp pill n 16 april heavy bleeding still plzz suggest me is 2 may

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Am tina am two weeks pregnant I have never heard an abortion before I just got disvirgined two weeks ago now am pregnant am planning to take an abortion pills is it safe just need an advise

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I had medical abortion on 22nd of march,still expecting my period still 20th of april... is it possible i'm still pregnant?

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Hi i got abortion on 28 march but still feeling like pregnant and also im having headache dizzyness, legs pain, pain in abdomen, gas problem, light white discharge. please tell me still im pregnant or not.

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I took an abortion pill and I saw my period for about three days to four days, I did a pregnancy test and it came out positive, is DAT normal?

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hi i insert cytotec pills in my vagenally atleast 4 tablet last february 22...but got big blood comes out, i take pregnacy test after 22 daysbut the result was still possitive,,my tummy still big...but after i insert the cytotec to my vaginally ,got big blood comes chicken liver size..

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I got my periods on Feb 14, 2014 and had sexual contact also but we used condom as precaution . someone told that pre- ejaculation liquid itself contains sperm ..And mostly i will get period before two days like (Mar 12,2014 like that , but still i dint get periods . Am i pregnant ? How can i get period ? pls help me

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I've had an abortion February 15 th and I haven't had sex until lastnight March 10th 2014 and my partner took his condom off now I'm worried If I may become pregnant again my baby is 5 months another baby is out the question rite now and my period is still on do any one have suggestions please

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I've had an abortion February 15 th and I haven't had sex until lastnight March 10th 2014 and my partner took his condom off no I'm worried If I may become pregnant again my baby is 5 months another baby is out the question rite now and my period is still on do any one have suggestions please

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I had abortion on Feb 2nd 2014.I got 2 drops of bleeding on 26th Feb n after that only brown discharge.We had unprotected sex on 18th feb but just my hubby put his pennis inside my vagina for about 5 mins & took out.Is there any prob.

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