Pass Etg In 30 Hours (Page 15)
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I've been clean from alcohol for 30 hours. I've had a gallon of water yesterday and one before testing. I also drank a creatine mixture to raise my levels. Do you think I'd pass an EtG?

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I went in and wizzed about 5:00 PM, should find out in 3 days, will keep UpToDate!

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You should be fine with 60 hrs but let us know how it goes... seems very few ppl do on here? Also I wonder if your cutoff is lower than 500ng/ml? You might ask more questions if you get another positive. You can argue it in court but there are other test to prove your negative.

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to be more precise, the drink was in a pint glass with just a splash of OJ!

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I must be more precise, the Mimosa I drank was a pint glass with about 14 or 15 oz of champagne

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I have found the ETG to be a pain in the butt, I tested positive twice and had no drinks of alcohol but, had been exposed to many things in my line of work that contain alcohol. Of course the Probation Officer does not believe. It has been several months since, I have been on desk duty due to Spine surgery and I my Last test came up Negative, I do drink a NA beer or 2 a few times a week. This last Saturday Morning about 10:00 AM, I was out of town and had a Mimosa with some friends and Saturday Evening, 2 Becks NA, Monday Morning Check-in for UA and have to give sample by 7:00 PM, I am kind of worried because if it becomes positive because of past failures, I lose a lot! Should I be worried with near 60 hours of no alcohol?

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You should be fine!

This response is late (sorry). How did your test go?

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If I drank two 4 lokos 14% each Friday on and had my last drink at 5p.m., will i pass an etg test on Monday at 9am? I exercise everyday, sat and sun for an hour and drink water.

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You should be fine...But please check back in and let know how things went good luck!
**Also be careful not to dilute (sometimes it is an automatic positive)

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Your etg can peak anywhere from 5-9hours after your BAC is 00...
So 15hours after you reach peak etg you will be in the 300ng/ml zone
Hope this helps
Let us know how everything goes, good luck!

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I had 2 beers and have an etg test after 20 hours. What are my chances of passing? Please help and any advice would be appreciated.

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This is pretty relieving. I went to a bachelorette party and drank for the last five days. Yesterday I had two mimosas and a beer. My last drink was around 4pm. I have been drinking an absurd amount of water since. My test is Wednesday at 3pm. Is it likely that I'll pass? What can I do between now (Monday) and my test aside from drinking a ton of water?

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So i have an etg test today at 2 that would be 122 hours that should be enough right? My worker said they do a 5 day on me im scared had a shot/nip wed at 1215pm lol

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One drink you are fine after 24hrs.
But please post your results, good luck!

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I drank 1 nip/shot wed at 1215pm.. Might have an etg test Monday my question is is it already out of my system 24-48 hours? I always drink water this will be an etg test at noon today will be 48 hours? It wont show up right?

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I had 3 beers at 6%. I will test 32 hours later... you do you guys thinks, is etg passable?

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Thanks for sharing your experience! Good luck to you!

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I drank 3 beers Saturday and had a etg test at 6 a.m. Tuesday it was about 60 hours from full peak to test. After 2 weeks of stressing I found out I passed. I get a month of take home medicine and they did a med check / urine test. I passed but I'll never risk it again.

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Lyss, you should be fine if you only had a few sips.... But if you had more than 3 Standard drinks you will be cutting it close...
Please let us know how your results came back. Knowledge is power.
Good Luck!

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I drank on a monday, a few sips of vodka. Drank a s*** ton of water and now cranberry juice. My test is tonight (a wednesday). Will I pass?

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Did you pass? I'm curious if ppl can pass after 30h

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