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Can O-tropin be purchased any where else besides orenda International? As it appears to be quiet expensive.

3 Replies

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So you have to spend A LOT more to get discounts. Great advice. Stay away from MLMs if you're trying to NOT spend money.

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What you get out of it is what counts. There is more than just the Otropin that makes it all work in a synergistic fashion. And as in network marketing, price is usually overcome by becoming a member, buying a quantity, bringing others into the business, and getting future discounts forever. So you can help your health and your future by giving it a try.

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Since they manufacture it, it is very doubtful that you will find that specific product offered anywhere for a better price.

However, it is just an amino acid supplement and there are many of those on the market. As a supplement it is not actually proven to do as they claim and slow down the aging process.


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