Nustrate Injection (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Can you please provide me with information on the nustrate injection?

167 Replies (9 Pages)

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is there any way that prolonged periods can be countered when on this injection?

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I am on the nustrate injection for the past4months ,now I discover that I am pregnant,how is that possible??

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i have stopped using injection i have been preventing for more than 10yrs is it possible to pregnant even if you have not been on periods.

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Shaz, no, it will not stop you from having your period. These hormonal contraceptives just prevent you from actually ovulating, to prevent pregnancy.

However, the rest of your cycle continues as normal, including having your period.


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i used it for a month Ms Bond, then had my cycle for about 2 wks. i decided to stop, now im on nothing, still trying to think what i can use.

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I've bin usin nustrate 4 3mnths nw nd I'm getin stressd bcoz of the spotting I've bin goin thru 4 da whole month nw,cn anythng be wrong wit me

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I stopped the Nustrate injection 7months ago now im having stomach cramps and im nolonger having my periods since 2months ago so im scared are is it normal or should i be worried?

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I got my first shot of nur isterate on day one of my periods....and engage in unprotected intercourse after my periods that was 6 days but now I didn't get my periods the next month and js have lower abdominal pains. Can I be pregnant??

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@BROOKE my doctor told me that atleast 7 days

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hi i went on an injection only once which was on de 11-04-13 and my return date was on 03-07 which i ddnt go back. i had unprotected sex on de 10th day. For de 1st nyt i was spotting 4 2 weeks. My next cycle i only spotted for a week, which during dat tym i had a lot of dischange. I den went 2 de clinic & was given an antibiotic in order 2 regulate my periods. Ive bin feeling bloated, nauseous, mood, ichy breast for a week now. Is it possible for me 2 be pregnant or am i suffering from PMS. Pls share sum light.
Thanx in advance

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My wife is on nurstrate for a 6 months after giving birth bt she is never see a manstration, for 4 month, now she vomitted after eating nd wen she does pregnancy test result shows positive. Can this be true get pregnant while on nur strate injection

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Had unprotected sex aftr i missed my date fr my nex injection, was on nurstrate nd hv been using it for two months could i b pregnant

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Lebo, you should consult your doctor, while it can be possible to get pregnant as soon as something like this is processed out of your body, it is sometimes better to wait for awhile, before conceiving.

Rams, no, that has nothing to do with retaining fluid from this injection. When they refer to the possibility of retaining fluid, as a side effect, they mean the type that can result in peripheral edema, which would be swelling of your extremities, such as your hands and feet, from excess fluid in the body.

When a woman is extremely wet vaginally during sex, it just means she is enjoying herself and that really shouldn't bother him, at all!

Shaz, I'm sorry, but I am not sure what you are referring to as your P's. Could you please clarify?


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hy i have question i Start nursterate at 11 of january and did unprotected intrecourse 5 days after.. it is possible to be pregnant

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I have been using nustrate for 6 months now..and i did not have any side effects..all was well.but this month im experiencing period pains yet there is no blood coming out..its been 2 days now..and since i used it i didnt see my periods at all..please help

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i have been using nustrine for a year and 2 months ,now i left it, its been 4 months now and i havent seen my periods is it possible that am pregnant and what is the minimum time for the injection to totaly wear out from your body

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How long does it start working? eg wem m injected today

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Hi. I recently gave birth and six weeks after giving birth i had an nur-istrate injection and 2 days after getting the injection i had unprotected sex..will i be pregnant again?

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when on nur-isterate you will have abnormal periods, experience some spotting some people have no periods at all but that does not mean you are unhealthy. speak to your medical doctor and they will inform you

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I am on nustrate injection for about a year now and I've been having my periods for like 2-3weeks in a month and now suddenly I've stopped for like a month. Could I be pregnant?

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