Nitrofurantoin Forums (Page 11)

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product info ## info on takeing this whats it for ## Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic, used to treat various infections, including cystitis and uriniary tract infections. Here's the link to the monograph with more information: ## I have a history of bladder infections, but last week was the first one in 6 months. I took Nitrofurn Mono 100 mg, twice daily for 5 days -- which helped immediately. But, two days following the last of the pills, the bladder infection returned. Should I have been taking it longer, or more frequently, or what? Why did I have the same infection 2 days later? I am taking another 5 days, twice daily, in hopes of clearing the bacteria up (without a doctor's approval). ## i'm taking nitrofurn mono for uriniary tract infection & it makes light headed &...

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I took this twice in a row at 2:00. Is that okay? Also, is it okay to take one tomorrow morning and then 1 at night? ## Hi Mary, I just took a look at the dosing guidelines for this medication, and it states that Nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals capsulesÂshould be taken with food every 12 hours for seven days. Because of that strict 12 hour gap in between doses, I definitely wouldn't say it is ok to take them back to back like that. Schedule your doses so that you take 1 in the morning when you get up and one a couple hours before you go to bed (giving yourself enough time to leave you with 12 hours before the following morning dose). You can view more details about this medication in the link below: I hope this helps!

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kidneys.\]] i have a kidney infection. my dr prescribed nitrofur mac 100mg. i heard this is for bladder infection. will this also help the kidneys? I have pain in my back ,and i am having trouble urinating. and is there something better to take for my kidneys? ## Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic that can be used to treat various types of infections, including the one you have. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and non-allergic skin rash. Learn more: Are there any other questions?

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May I get in the sun at the beach while taking Nitrofur Macr 100 MG? ## You should really avoid such exposure, because this medication will make you much more sensitive to the sun and heat. Even a small amount of exposure could result in severe sunburn, skin rash and overheating. "Plan to avoid unnecessary or prolonged exposure to sunlight and to wear protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Nitrofurantoin may make your skin sensitive to sunlight." Source: Medline Plus The common side effects to this medication may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. ## Can I still tan in a tanning bed while taking Nitro Mac 100 mg?

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Does Nitrofur Macr 100 mg have pencillin in it ## No, Nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystals is the main ingredient in itself and does not contain any other medications. It is generally used in treating urinary tract infections and for killing E Coli. You can view more detailed information about this drug by clicking on the link below: If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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side effects of my prescriptions ## What are the side effects of celestamine drug usage? ## can i get a sun tan while taking Nitrofurantoin? antibiotec? what are usual side effects? ## My mother is 83 and never showed mental problems until breaking her hip and taking fitst oxycodoen and now hydrocodone. Can these narcotics cause dementia? Do they cause an irratable, angry temperment towards care giver? Thasks ## Celestamine contains the active ingredient Betamethasone, this is a steroid. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight gain and depression. You can read more here: ## No, it is not advisable to experience large amounts of sun exposure while using Nitrofurantoin, it can make you sun sensitive, causing you to burn much faster. This also can make you susceptible t...

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i will be taking theses pills for 14 days ,just want to know is it safe, if u are 16 weeks pregnancy, my emercency room doctor prescribe this medicine. ## Have you discussed it with your regular doctor, or OBGyn? Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections, such as UTIs, but it is not known to cause problems during pregnancy and, in reality, it would be much more risk to your baby to let an infection continue out of control. It may, however, cause some side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more:

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Can Nitrofuran Monohyd Macro 100 mg be used for abscess infections? ## Nitrofurantoin is used primarily to treat urinary tract infections. It also notes in the guidelines that Nitrofurantoin must never be used to treat pyelonephritis, renal ABSCESS, and pyeloempyema because of extremely poor tissue penetration and low blood levels. Based on the above info I think it would be beneficial to contact your local pharmacy and/or doctor to find out if it is right the specific type of infection you are referring to. Hope this helps!

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I am currently taking ic nitrofur-macr 100 mg caps twice a day & am in my 28th wk of pregnancy..I keep reading that it shouldnt be taken in the third trimester ( im in my third trimester) but my doc prescribed it anyways..Should i contact her & see if i should stop for the next 11 wks??? ## Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections, most commonly UTIs. As to its use during pregnancy, while no studies have been done, many women have used it safely, with no reported ill effects. The time span that it actually shouldn't be used is when you are very close to delivery, around the 38th week, because it can interfere with the immature enzyme systems in the red blood cells of a newborn and cause anemia. If you are worried, then yes, by all means conta...

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MAYLAN 3422 ## That is correct, this is 100mgs of the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin, used to treat various types of infections. BID means it is supposed to be taken twice daily. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more: Do you have any questions? ## I'm pregnant for 5 weeks. If I take prenatal vitamins Prefera OB one and Macrobid 100mg (Nitrofur 100mg bid cap) together in a day but different times.Is it ok? Please help me answer my question! Thank you.

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Is there a substitute for this drug? I just paid 63.00 at the pharmacy for a 30 day supply. Can't afford that, is there another drug I could use that is very similar? ## Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic, it is used to treat infections. Have you tried asking your doctor for an alternative? This is the generic, the name brands are Furdantin, Macrobid and Macrodantin and, from what I'm seeing for the dosage, this is about the average price. How long do you have to take it? Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: ## Just started on NITROFUR-MACR today and would like to know about the reaction with coumadin. Usually I always ask for the brand, but allowed the pharmacist to give me the generic this time. We'll see; I am leary af...

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should a momen have to use this medication repeatedly for 6 months- Nitrofur 50 ## What has her doctor advised? Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic, it is most commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. If she is getting infections that frequently, or if it's the same one and the medication isn't clearing it up, her doctor should be running tests and trying a different antibiotic. If it's a UTI, she should also be taking her own preventative measures, such as making sure she drinks lots of water, avoiding tub baths and taking in probiotics. ## I have been taking omeprazole cr 40mg for 4 months.due to occuring uti my urologist put me on nitrofur mac 50mg is it ok to take both? thank you ## Lynn, I'm not finding any interactions or problems listed with using Nitrofuranto...

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Can you tak this med if pregnant and if it is expired by a month and a half ## Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic, so while it does not get dangerous to use after its expiration, it can lose potency and will not work as well. That creates the very real risk of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria, which would be especially dangerous while pregnant. If you feel you need an antibiotic, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis and new prescription. As to using it while pregnant, it should also not be taken anytime after your 38th week, due to the babies immature red blood cells and the effect this medication can have on them. Have you spoken to your doctor, yet? ## I just took left over amoxicillin and nitrofur for a Uti that just became really bad. I'm hoping this will hold me over...

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What reason is Nitrofur-MACR 100 mg prescribed for? ## Nitrofurantoin monohydrate / macrocrystals (100 mg) is usually used in treating urinary tract infection. To view detailed information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## can you use the drug for more than a bladder infection ## Hi Rita, Other than bladder infection, this drug is often used against E. coli. I haven't found any other supporting information linking this drug to any other uses.

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urinal track infections ## i'm looking for info about spasmo urolong. ## Which dose and days is necessary for an urine infection? ## This drug is unavailable in the US. From the information I have found, it contains Nitrofurantoin, an antibiotic and another medication called Camylofin, which I could not find any information on. I suggest you speak to your doctor for dosage information. ## this medicine works well for urine infections it contains nitrofurantoin and camilofin which is a pain reliever. After the first 3 capsules you should feel alright and the pain most likely will go away. But since is an antibiotic you need to take all 7 days of spasmo urolong to get real results. Source: MD in El Salvador ## I just moved to Panama and have a urinary tract infection. I was given Spas...

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urinarytractinfection ## Nitrofurantoin monohydrate / macrocrystals is usually used in treating urinary tract infection. To view more information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## sting like float like :2

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UTI NITROFURANT M/M 100MG CAPS ## Nitrofurantoin monohydrate / macrocrystals (100 mg). It is usually used in treating urinary tract infection. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## can i open the capsule and take whats inside? i cant swallow pills. ## I know plenty of individuals who have trouble with swallowing pills and need to empty the capsule into water to ingest it. It may however be an unpleasant taste, but if you do it with little amounts of water you can drink it quickly and then wash it down with more water afterwards. I feel like that is the best approach, but feel free to post back if you have any other questions or comments regarding this.

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it a small blue pill has the numbers 340 on one side and the number 100 on the other side ## Is this from the U.S. or elsewhere? Did you get it from a pharmacy or was it obtained somewhere else? The reason I am asking, is because I can't find a pill with that description and marking in any of our U.S. prescription drug resources. I even tried just looking at images of Nitrofurantoin, but all the ones I am finding are capsules, not tablets.

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I have been taking Nitrofur for 6 days. Around the 4th day I became extremely tired (to the point where I felt like I couldn't function the next day). Is this a side effect of this drug? ## Nitrofurantoin can cause nausea and vomiting, fever, rash, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. It can also cause pulmonary fibrosis. However, according to my research, all these side effects are much more common in the elderly. I haven't found any information regarding fatigue, but if you are experiencing any of the side effects above, it could be a contributing factor to feeling exhausted. To view more information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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cream and black capsule with E 122 on black part. possibly for urinary issues ## The capsule in description is Nitrofurantoin monohydrate / macrocrystals (100 mg). It is usually used in treating urinary tract infection. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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