Metadone Maintenance Program (Top voted first)


I am in need of info or research site to learn about the effects of methadone on asthmatics. I have a family member in the clinic program who is rapidly becoming almost totally disable with his asthma which only began iyear ago. What is the effect of this methadone on these asthmatics-he is constantly in ER and being administered high doses of prednisoneIV. Any help please?

3 Replies

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I have heard of respiratory failure occuring in methadone users.

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Difficulty breathing is listed as one of the more serious side effects; It is advisable that the individual seeks medical attention ASAP.

If you read the Full Methadone Listing and scroll down to the heading 'Less Common Methadone Side Effects' you will see it listed in there.

Best Wishes to your Family Member.

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i too am a severe asthmatic and have been on methadone for 3 years i don't think it has had much of an effect one way or the other.there are lots of great asthma meds out there. i use 2 inhalers...spiriva and advair also take singulair. i used to be in the er all the time too and since getting clean and getting in the clinic i have not had a severe attack.hope this helps

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