Linzess Forums (Page 4)

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I started taking the low dose now I take too of them a day...only had one bowel movement when I started ...don't know what to do not #help ## Hello, Terri! How are you? Are you making sure to take it in the morning, with a full 8 ounce glass of water, at least a half hour, before eating or drinking anything else? It seems that some people weren't told that by their doctor or pharmacist. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, bloating and diarrhea. ## Exactly right. That is how my doctor instructed me and it works, usually within an hour. ## Hi Terri, Linzess stopped working for me as well after about a year. One thing that did help me while on it was after taking it in the morning with a big glass of water, I would waite about 15 mins and drink a 6 ...

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Hello! I have been on Linzess for almost a year and a half. I have always taken it right before dinner and I would have a bm before bed every night. However, just three weeks ago I had to have colon surgery and the linzess is not working as well. Some days I will go to the bathroom a million times and some days not at all. I was wondering if my surgery could anything to do with this problem? Also should I continue to take the linzess? If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated. ## Hi Jacky, I think the timing for taking Linzess can vary greatly for each individual, based on numerous personal factors. I've read other posts on here stating how they also take it at night to promote a morning bowel movement, whilst others take it in the AM or afternoon. You can browse through ...

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So far I am having varied results with Linzess. One day I'm going all day, one day nothing, one day it is a "normal" one/two time bowl movements, and then another I'm rushing in my car to find a public restroom. I usually take it at the same time every morning. The varied results happen at varied times. Morning, afternoon, and/or evening. I was wondering if taking it at night would help with trying to get it on a regular schedule? ## I take mine at night all the time and it is working well. I go in the morning and have no problem through the day. If I have to go through the day I have plenty of time to find a bathroom but usually I just go in the morning ## @JulieAnn, I know you posted this back in April, so I hope you are doing well and all is good! RE: Taking Linzess a...

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Hi I just been given linzess 290 for everyday. I suffer with tons of gas and constipation and bloating all the time.and it worked great the first few days of taking it however I noticed when I took it I had uncomtorble spasms in my lower belly so my doctor recommended to take it every other day. Do you think I should switch to the lower dose? I'm scared I won't have a BM and I'll have gas the days I don't take the 290 dose. ## It is always best to follow your doctor's instructions and the only way to know how it will work for you is by trying it. Some people have been doing quite well taking it every other day. The stomach cramping and spasms can be normal side effects of this medication, according to FDA reports. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, ...

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I've been taking Linzess 290 for about three months due to a maze of a colon because of abdominal adhesions. I am thrilled that it moves me out everyday, however, I feel like a prisoner to it. I can't go places certain times of the day because I have about an hour of explosive diarrhea each day and not sure when it will hit. And I cannot hold it in!! I'm paranoid it will hit at work, which is close quarters. Also, TMI, but my movements are FOUL smelling and runs my family gagging, out of the house. I was wondering if anyone has tried alternate dosing such as every other day, etc. FYI I have tried the 145 strength, all I get with that is severe cramping, bloating and no stool. Thank you!! I was thinking of maybe the 290 every other day and the 145 on alternate days. Thoughts?...

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Hello, I am taking the 290 and it has been about 1 month and a half taking this. The first 2-3 weeks were amazing and it worked. Great and now I am not going at all. Very hard to push and very bloated! Will it start to work again? I need some relief ## Hello, Linds! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the problem you're having. Many people have reported experiencing this same thing, it seems to work great for a brief period of time and then just suddenly stop. Are you making sure to take it on an empty stomach at least a half hour before eating? The FDA lists the typical Linzess side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, bloating and gas. ## Can you take stool softener while on linzess? I've been taking Linzess for about a month going from 145 to 290...

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Has anyone played around with the amount of time they leave between taking linzess and eating? if i eat an hour after taking it rather than 30 minutes, will i experience more or less diarrhea? ## Hi Sarah, According to the manufacturer, it is recommended that Linzess be taken on an empty stomach, "at least" 30 minutes before your 1st meal of the day. Apparently taking Linzess on an empty stomach allows it to work more efficiently; whereas taking it closer to meal-time may result in it not being quite as effective. So the notion of taking it an hour before a meal shouldn't be a problem - at least in my opinion. Also, since diarrhea is listed as a general side effect of Linzess, I think the possibility of it occurring may be independent of whether or not you take it too close ...

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I was happy to learn that there was something I can take to help with my chronic constipation. Day 1... nothing really happened. Day 2.... slight BM. Day 3.... horrible diarrhea ... so bad I had to leave work... my butt was raw!! ... and burned so badly . These frighten me... that I have not taken the pill since that day... I also have had some episodes of nausea while on day 3. I'm wondering if this is how it is to take Linzess? It had really deterred me from continuing the drug. ## Yes, it can cause that as a side effect in some people that take it, according to both FDA and user reports. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain. Are you on any other medications? Have you tried taking it, again?

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I didn't have many wrinkles until I started taking linzess. So I need to know how much water to drink every day while taking linzess? ## There is no specific amount, it depends on what it takes to keep you from becoming dehydrated, which the FDA warns as being a possible side effect. You should also be made aware that it doesn't have to be just water, other fluids also help, such as juices. The NIH released reports on this last year. Is there anything else I can help with? How old are you?

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I was on the low dose Linzess and it wasn't working for my constipation. Now I'm on the higher dose but it is not really working either. When I finally had a bowel movement there was a lot of blood in the toilet. Has this happened to anyone? What would cause this? Anyone? ## Sue sometimes when your stool is hard from constipation it can tear your rectum and cause it to bleed. Because of the pressure in your rectum it will usually seal the tear. Watch out how hard you push the stool when you're constipated as it can cause a hemorrhoid. If you continue to have blood in your stool go see your doctor ASAP ## Years ago this did happen to me. It can be frightening to see that much blood in the toilet, but this can happen because of hemorrhoids. I took a diuretic that dried me out ...

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I am a 20 year old female. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with "chronic constipation." I have a bowel movement probably 1-2 times a week. I have had 2 colonoscopies and a flex sig done, and everything appeared to be normal. I have tried every remedy there is: fruit, fiber, laxs, stool softener, enema, exercise, and nothing seems to do the trick. Recently my dr started me on Linzess. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now. So far my bowel movements have not improved while taking Linzess. I spoke with my dr and they suggested that I add miralax to my daily routine along with Linzess. I have not had any improvement with my bowel movements while taking miralax and linzess. Can anyone give me advice or their input? Has anyone else had the same issues? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE!! P...

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I've been on Linzess for almost a week now and every day that I take it, I end up running to the bathroom every thirty minutes with liquid type diaherra. Lots of times there is no pain or warning and I make a mess in my pants and I'm only 23. Ive only been taking Linzess on the days that I don't have to go out in public. I have lost a dramatic amount of weight, the days I don't take it, i'm in severe abdominal pain all day and feel like I have to go but never can. I was put on this medicine because I was on this medicine for constipation. What should I do? ## I experienced the exact same thing when I was taking it 1 year ago (I was 23 then as well). Although, I felt like my body was retaining mass amounts of water for those bowel movements, and it was debilitating. I...

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I have been taking 145mgs of linzess for a while now. I usually take it at about 6:30 in the morning then I go back to sleep until 9 where it starts to kick in. I am in and out of the bathroom until 12 or 1. Lately it hasn't been working until maybe 11 in the morning, making me waste my afternoon in the bathroom. I go to college and my first class is at 1. Can anyone give me an explanation as to why the linzess is suddenly taking longer to work? I've always ate most of my calories in the evening and I can barely eat throughout the day due to IBS and severe bloating. But my diet has been consistent for the most part. Thank you. ## Are you taking the liness first thing in the morning with a full glass of water, You need to take it even before any other medication that you are on, ...

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How fast will the lizness begin to work? I have to go to work and don't want to be running up and down statues all day. ## Hi Gil, While some patients report having bowel movements on the first day from taking Linzess (Linaclotide), others mention that it took up to a few weeks before it really kicked into gear for them. With that said, the only real way to see if it will work for you is by actually trying it and committing yourself to a full course of treatment. I guess you're supposed to take it 30 minutes before eating or drinking in the morning, but I don't know if that has an impact on it's overall effectiveness throughout the rest of the day. The patient prescribing information notes that symptoms of diarrhea often begin within the first 2 weeks of treatment. So I...

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taking linzess for 60 days. not working as well as it did in the beginning. can I take a lax. while taking linzess ## You shouldn't do so, unless your doctor approves. Are you making sure to take it on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before ingesting anything else? This medication has been kind of iffy, a lot of people have found that it seems to stop working, after awhile. How long have you been taking it? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. ## Does the bloated tummy go back to normal if I stop the linzenss?

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I have a problem metabolizing meds. Have IBS, bad reaction from Cymbalta am dealing with that. I was very constipated, even after multiple laxatives. Got linzess and took 1 pill. Within 3 hours I was vomiting, nauseated, diarrhea weakness. Even the sinus and sneezing happened. Feels like more Cymbalta effects. ## The FDA does list those as being possible side effects of this medication. You may also experience bloating, dizziness, stomach pain, and flatulence. How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change? Are these the only medications you take?

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Linzess was prescribed by my pcp, 1 capsule every other day for oic. It works within about 4 to 5 hrs and works just fine, no sidefects what so ever. The medicine works just fine for OIC. So whatever you people are experiencing has got to be a fluke, the medicine works just fine. ## We are all different, so a medication that works well for you may not work great for someone else that tries it. Have you experienced any side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain that the FDA lists as being common with this medication?

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I was on the 290mcg Linzess and the diarrhea and abdominal pain was unbearable. Doctor has since switched me to Trulance which just came out. Having regular bowel movements with no pain or diarrhea. Doesn't need to be taken with food either. I have fought this for years and for the first time in a long time it's manageable.


After taking linzess for 8 months I gained 20 pounds and developed every symptom for hypothyroidism again. For the past 12 years I have been on synthroid 75. I have not had any hypothyroid symptoms once I began taking synthroid until taking the linzess medication. I stopped taking linzess and hoping it will exit my body quickly so my synthroid meds will begin working again. Why don't doctors tell you it prevents your thyroid meds from working? Why don't they tell you it will make you gain weight? I just hope I can get my thyroid and my weight under control again. ## A follow up on my hypothyroidism symptoms that was caused by Linzess: dr ran a TSH, T4, and a T3 blood test and the results showed I was on the low end but still within the acceptable range of the T3, the T4 and TSH ...

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I was told by my gastro doctor to take linzess 30 minutes before I eat anything on a empty stomach. but it not working. he didn't tell me how much water to drink or whether I should drink something with my meal or not ## Hello, Clyde! How are you? I'm sorry that it isn't working for you. The manufacturer states that it can be taken with 1 ounce of water, or you can open the capsule and sprinkle the beads over a teaspoon of room temperature apple sauce, a half hour before eating or drinking anything else. And yes, when you do eat, you can have a beverage with your meal, as usual. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, flatulence, cramping, and diarrhea. Has there been any change? ## No there hasn't been any change.I also take 45 ml of lactulo...

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