I Was Diagnosed With Simple Endometrial Hyperplasia In Dece (Top voted first)


I'm talking Megestrol Acetate 40mg twice a day. Started December 23. My feet feel tingly and on February 10 my lower back and my right and left side hurts plus my stomach hurt off and on I feel bloated like I have my period. Started lightly spotting on February 19 after an ultra sound. The doctor told me to try a couple more weeks and then if I'm not feeling better she will refer me to a specialist. I not feeling good.

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Hello, Melissa! How are you? Has there been any improvement?

This is a hormone, so such side effects have been known to happen, when taking it, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience headache and mood swings.

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In case you're not familiar with your condition, it's where you uterus builds up too many cells. It's usually caused by your body have too high of a level of estrogen in ratio to progesterone, which is the hormone being replaced by the Megestrol.

Spotting and bleeding, when taking it are normal.

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