How Accurate Is A Blood Test For Percocet Levels?


Pain care clinic just took a blood sample to check my levels to basically see if I have been taking my percocet. I am supposed to take three 10 mg a day, but have not been taking as many as i should.

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They are accurate and the doctor will know if you haven't been taking your medication as prescribed.

Learn more Percocet details here.

Why aren't you taking them?

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I have been taken the percocet, just not as much as perscribed becouse I save some for the days when my pain is worse. Having been giving a blood test, leads me to believe they are testing my levels. So how accurate are these tests. I am losing sleep over this if they take my meds away, the quality of my life will go down the drain.

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I had ten percocet 10 mg prescribed. What ng level would you expect in a blood sample please? Mine said 57 plus or minus 12. Help please. I also did not urinate and had to hold it for hours to get a catheter.

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