Heavy Bleeding & Stomach Pain In Monthly Period
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I had heavy bleeding, I Took 6 Tablet Of Trapic Mf in 3 days, stomach pain & bleeding reduced.. stopped taking tablet, again I got stomach pain & bleeding next day.. took one more tablet of Trapic MF.

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try to drink green tea, two times a day!!

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my 22 year old daughter suffers from heavy periods with clots and severe stomach pain. she has been informed by the doctor that she also has polycystic ovaries. that she will improve in health only after her marriage. Is this the only remedy? I find it ridiculous!

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Are either one of you seeing a doctor regularly?

You need to see someone that can run the appropriate tests to figure out what's causing your problem and that can help you find the proper solution.


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i had heavy stomach pain and bleeding in periods time. 1yr bak i went to hospetl nd i use tablets after dat ok. but now again im suffering dat. pls gve me any sugessin. nd tel me any tablets... and also tel me in wat type of fud i had to takn in periods time.

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