Empty Adderall Capsules


My granddaughter takes adderall and I went to give her one today and I noticed it looked strange. Upon closer inspection I realized the capsule was empty. I looked at the rest of them and I found 5 empty capsules. What the hell!! How did this happen? One I can overlook, but 5? What am I supposed to do? She will be without medicine for 5 days now.

5 Replies

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Does anyone else have access to the pills or pill bottle?

The capsules could have been emptied and consumed in other ways like "sprinkled" (usually on applesauce), sublingually (dissolving the granules under the tongue) or crushed up and insufflated.

You can contact the prescribing doctor but don't be surprised if he/she raises an eyebrow when you explain the situation. Best of luck.

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That is very odd, and I'm afraid my questions are similar to what Mason has already asked.

Have you tried checking with your pharmacist? If it is a problem originating from the manufacturer, they may not be aware of it. They could also look at the capsules to see if they were tampered with, or not.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as headache, anorexia, dizziness, insomnia, and nervousness.

They can also advise you on what to do to replace the missing 5 days of medication.

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Re: Mason (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It happened to me. I live alone so I am 100 percent sure the capsule was empty when I got the pills. I reported it to my pharmacist and she told me it happens quite frequently.

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Re: Maria (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

That's interesting. I've never been on extended release so I've never actually had to deal with the spansules/capsules. I wonder if it's just bad quality control by the manufacturer or if it's intended as a "placebo"...

I wonder because even with the IR scripts it seems a few of the pills are placebo.

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Re: Mason (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I just had 19 of the 30 empty. I live alone as well so had to come from pharmacy like this.

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