Donnatal/belladona (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Donnatal and/or Belladona for over 10 years to treat IBS. When it was time for a refill, I was told both the brand name and the generic forms have been taken off the market. I am lost with these meds, that virtually eliminated the discomforts of IBS.

117 Replies (6 Pages)

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Are you asking for Phenobarb, or Donnatal? I know that made a difference when it was on my script.

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I asked for belladonna, the generic form of donnatal. He told me they did not have bit and could not get it... Same story I've been hearing for almost a year now. :(
My regular pharmacy is also still unable to get the generic, and I have a close relationship with my pharmacist.
I would LOVE to be able to go back to paying $8.00 for 120 tabs rather than $64.00. I just can't figure out how...

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Have any of you tried belladonna tincture, or the homeopathic belladonna products?

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Daniel, you are singing my song! I used to take 4 a day as well, and now feel proud if I can save one of the 2 I allot per day. Pitiful, and THE only thing that works besides pain meds. I went from $8.00 for 120 generics-cheaper not to use my insurance copay!) to $64.00 copay for donnatal.
Thanks for the idea, I'm going to call my GI now and see if they can get me samples...

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Shorty after my post i went to the walmart pharmacy and they gave me name brand donnatal 35 dollar copay...70 dollars cheaper than CVS. i would give them a try, they may have to order them but you should have a decent copay there...thats for 120 pills a month

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I finally found Donnatal!!! I called the number on this forum, they told me they were a big supplier with CVS. I took my script to cvs and they were able to order it. It was expensive, but well worth it to be able to get it. My gut will be very grateful in about 24 hours. The resource line told me if the pharmacy told me it was unavailable to give them a call back, and they would call the pharmacy. I'm just thankful that I have it now. No one appreciates this medicine except those of us who really need it and know how well it works.

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I began with severe stomach and gastric issues as a small child however that was a long time ago given I am 51 therefore nothing was done until much later in life. I lived in the bathroom no matter what I ate. I would cry and did not want to go anywhere but I had to.

I lived as close to a normal person as possible trying various medications throughout the years beginning at 16 years old when I got my first of well over 30 bleeding stomach ulcers. By my mid 30's I had ulcerative colitis that nearly took my life. I had been living with gastric problems for so long I didn't see the warning signs, always sick to my stomach for me was normal, diarrhea was normal for me, not eating at work or going out to eat was normal for me so when I got really ill I just thought it was maybe food poisoning on top of the gastric issues. I was near dead when they found me and landed in the ICU for weeks.

I had already taken the Bentyl, Levison, Librax and Reglan, and all failed miserably. I was a prisoner to my own body. Of course Zofran and Phenergan is always on hand. When I turned 42 I tried the Donnatal liquid and it worked. I had a life! I was able to go out and eat, go to work and not worry if I was going to live in the bathroom that day, not worry if I was going to have an accident in the car to or from work. It was a miracle drug for me. I began with the liquid form and once my gastric issues were leveling out I switched to the pill form.

It has been months now without any Donnatal, which they do make the brand name but its $500 a month for the quantity I need a month and even more for the liquid. I am a prisoner to my body again, became disabled and never leave my house. Eating is something I do to keep me alive because there is nothing enjoyable about it. Given I have tried all the other medications throughout out the years and they did not work and given all their nasty side effects it would be stupid to take something I know does not work. I do not like to take medication to begin with however the Donnatal was my bed of roses so I took it no questions asked.

Someone asked about the GI cocktail and yes typically they do have Donnatal along with Viscous lidocaine, and an antacid to help numb the GI Track and stop stomach spasms.

I have lost everything including my family because I can not do anything or go anywhere so I can't blame them. Due to the fact my issues began when I was so young I have severe damage from the opening of my rectum all the way up into my mouth and only one medication works which I can not get any longer.

My heart goes out to everyone else out there in the same situation. I hope they find something that is equal to Donnatal because each day gets more and more difficult to get out of bed.

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The generic version of Donnatal IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. You cannot get an RX for Belladonna with Alkaloids - only for the $450 a month DONNATAL, which used to cost me $20 a month. :People who desperately need this drug to stay off the operating table and out of hospitals and out of chronic pain are being raped by the company that makes it and the U.S. FDA is helping them along.

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Donnatal is available in an immediate release tablet as well as an elixir.

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What is this? Cafepharma????;)

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Ok, so I have IBS-D & have taken Donnatal for 40 years. I'm now on a Medicare drug program and NONE of their plans cover Donnatal. I've been getting 60 Donnatal per month for $10. Now if I pay for it myself, it's over $500 for 60 tabs!!!! So needless to say, now I'm running out of the medication with no options. Lost my Rx plan due to husband's retirement. Pharmaceutical companies have NO hearts! I thought it was weird when my pharmacy changed FROM generic to name brand. Please, if anyone can help, please let people on here know. I've taken Bentyl & it makes me feel more brain-dead than usual.

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I found this on the manufacturer's site for Donnatal:

Hope it might help some of you!!!

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Nothing else has worked in 30.

Why can't it's very use with no problems qualify as testing!

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Donnatal is still available at a very high cost. Used to be real cheap too.

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Try to find you a discount card online. They can and should save you a lot more money. I filled a script of #30 tablets at Kroger and it was just over $100, which is still ridiculous.

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Try to find you a discount card online. They can and should save you a lot more money. I filled a script of #30 tablets at Kroger and it was just over $100, which is still ridiculous. Also, there is a prescription assistance program for some people without insurance. Just do a search for Donnatal Patient Assistance Program.

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I have Crohn's Disease and have used Donnatal for the last 40 years and suddenly my Pharmacist informed me that the price went from $185.38 for 60 pills to $317 and change. She is at a loss as to why. What's going on here? I've had 2 G.I. resections and form what are called Crohns masses which also have been removed. When the spasms are at their worst, Donnatal is one of the drugs that has always worked the quickest and with no side effects. What can we do about this act of indifference?

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The company that owned Donnatal sold it and before they sold it, they dramatically increased the price to show inflated sales figures. It boils down to greed.

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After having to discontinue her use of Donnatal due to its exorbitant price increase my mother was able to get a 30 count prescription filled today at CVS for $2.19. Back in October she got a price quote of over $200 and another one over $2,000. Needless to say she is VERY pleased.

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What kind of insurance does your mother have? Due to my limited income, I was able to get my prescription free from the pharmaceutical company through a patient assistance program.

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