Diphenhydramine Forums (Page 7)

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Pill contains 25 mg Diphenhyddramamine ## I've also identified your pill to be Diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies; although this specific blue tablet says it is used for a sleeping aid; possibly by means of treating allergies so you can rest easy. You can view more information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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oblong cap ## The pill in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (50 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you. ## will this 50 mg pink capsule diphenhydram counteract another medication if i am allergic to it .

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What difenhidramin use for medication??? Is it true brand VALDRES (Pharos brand), have a difenhidramin in that pils?? I WANT TO KNOW, WHAT DIFENHIDRAMIN USE IN MEDICATION? AND, WHAT EFEK OF IT. THANK'S. ## Yes, Valdres contains the active ingredient Diphenhydramine, it is an antihistamine that has quite a few medical uses, such as treating allergies, insomnia and nausea and vomiting. Its side effects can include: drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. More details: Are there any other comments or questions?

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what is histodor used for ## Histodor contains the active ingredient Diphenhydramine and Pyrilamine, it is most commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. Learn more: Are there any other questions?

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is it a sleeping pill? ## GENERIC NAME: diphenhydramine BRAND NAME: Benadryl The DIPHENHYDROMINE is a generic drug often used for sleep. Sominex for instance is the same thing. ## Sorry about my spelling! ## This is not only used for sleep, but also for allergic reactions. It is the active ingredient in many allergy medications such as Benadryl. ## I sometimes take Difenhidramina to sleep. Is this safe? Is it habit forming? Can I take if I've had 2-3 alcoholic drinks?

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whit oblong pill with l151 on it ## I can't find this listed in any of my resources, however, I can tell you that pills marked with an L followed by additional numbers are over the counter products. This company makes the generic/store brand version of many different items. Is anyone else familiar with this? ## I'm a pharmacist at a hospital and was asked to identify this as well. After finding nothing in Micromedex, Clinical pharmacology, Lexicomp and Facts and Comparison. I googled it and found out that it is "GOOD SENSE NIGHTTIME SLEEP AID (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) tablet 25 mg"

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sleep inmducer ## Diphenhydramine is mainly used to treat allergies. The drug also has a powerful hypnotic effect, and for this reason is often used as a nonprescription sleep aid and a mild anxiolytic. You can view this information and more about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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oblong,pink,capsule,barr059 on the pill ## The pink capsule in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (50 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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correction to shape the pink pill with K 40 stamped is oblong. What is this ? ## The pink oblong pill in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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yellowish color softgels purchased at Dollar General Stores in past but no longer available ## There are a ton of companies that make Diphenydramine and it is sold over the counter in most stores, in this same dosage. However, they aren't usually seen as liquigels, anymore, except in some products like the Advil PM ones. It my cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness and dry mouth. Are there any comments or questions?

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capsil white red strip pink ## The pill in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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I found an off white gel pill that has p50 on it and the pill is oval ## It seems these gel pills with the P50 marking are an over the counter sleep aid that contains 5omgs of Diphenhydramine, the same ingredient in Benadryl or Unisom. It can be used to treat allergies, but does cause drowsiness as a side effect. Is there anything else I can help you with?

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Small round pink pill that should be taken (1 tablet) under the tongue when necessary. can't be bought over the counter. i think the name starts with a D. ## That's not much to go on, since the shape and color means nothing, especially in over the counter products. As to being dissolved under the tongue, there are quite a few that can be done with, as well, including some supplement products, such as Vitamin B12 sublingual tabs. If it starts with a D and is an OTC product, it could be Diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Bendaryl, which is used to treat allergies. Is this possibly it? If you remember what it was meant to treat, then that may help us narrow it down.

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pink and white capsel how much can kill you ## This capsule contains 25mgs of Diphenhydramine, it is an over the counter product, a generic or store brand of Benadryl. The lethal dose would, of course, depend on the individual and their tolerance to the medication. People that are used to it, will be able to tolerate much higher doses than those that aren't. The standard threshold, however, is to not exceed 500mgs in a day. Is there anything else I can help you with?

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pink capsul with E649 on both ends ## Hello, The capsule in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (50 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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caosule- pink on one end and white on the other ## The pill in description is Diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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I have a pink and white pill with G 283 on it. Any idea what it could be? ## The pill in description is an Allergy Medication known as Diphenhydramine HCL (25 mg), which is mainly used to treat allergies. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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pink and white capsule ## The pill in description is a 25 mg Allergy relief tablet known as Diphenhydramine. You can view information about Diphenhydramine by visiting the link below... If you have any other questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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How freqently should I takeit? ## This tablet contains 25mgs of Diphenhydramine and 10mgs of Pheylephrine, it is an over the counter cold remedy/decongestant. From what I can discover, the dosing is usually one tablet every 4 to 6 hours, at a max of 4 tablets in a day. However, we are ot medical professionals, so you should ask your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Are there any directions on the package?

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Medium Blue Gelcap, approximately 3/16 X 3/8 Oval with White P50 lettering. What is it? ## The pill which you are describing is Wal-Som 50 mg. It is an over the counter sleep aid sold by Walgreen's and it contains Diphenhydramine 50 mg. You can view an image here. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

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