Clopitab-a Side Effects (Top voted first)


Details about Clopitab-A side effects

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I've been taking Clopitab-A 150mg once daily each morning for the last 6 years. I just want to know about its side effects and complications from long term use.

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Clopitab contains the active ingredient Clopidogrel, it is used to help prevent blood clots.

Common side effects may include: nausea, neutropenia and bleeding.

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I want to know more about the side effects of Clopitab-A 150mg.

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My mom was advised to take clopitab and has been for the last 7 years. Recently she found some blood clots in her leg and body and also have palpitations. Are these the side effects of this medicine?

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My mother has been taking Clopitab 75mg for the last 10 months but recently she has started itching and experienced rashes on her body. After the rashes that particular part experiences swelling. Does Clopitab cause these symptoms?

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