Benzodiazepine Out Of Blood And Urine


It took one herbal sleeping pill which contained Benzodiazepine and this caused me to fail the induction test for a clinical drug trial. I was wondering how long it will take for the Benzodiazepine to be out of my urine and blood.

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Benzodiazepines can be detectable in urine for as long as 6 weeks, after last dosing and for up to 2 days in your blood.

It's always going to vary from person to person, though, due to various individuating factors, such as your metabolism, overall health, activity levels and etc.


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Well, first and foremost, herbal sleep aids DO NOT CONTAIN BENZODIAZAPINES!!! "BENZO's" are a controlled substance and include drugs like xanax, clonapin, valium, ativan etc. The ONLY way you can get "benzos" are with a prescription from an MD or DO.

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Herbal sleeping pills DO NOT CONTAIN BENZODIAZIPINES! "BENZO's" are a controlled substance and include drugs like xanax, clonopin, valium, ativan etc. and the ONLY way you can get them is with a prescription from an MD or DO.

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What was the name of the herbal sleeping pill you took cause I have to do pee tests so I wanna make sure I don't take it

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