Belviq Side Effects (Top voted first)


Just began taking Belviq and have quickly developed a nasty sore throat and sinusitis. Has anyone else had this side effect? If so how long does it last?

8 Replies

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Hello, Shoogy! How are you?

Yes, those can be side effects of Belviq, they've been reported by others. They may last 4 weeks, or so, while your body is getting used to the medication, but then should taper off in severity. If not, then it may not be the right medication for you to take and you may need to switch to something else.

You may also experience blurred vision, fatigue and muscle spasms.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I started Belviq 4 days ago. How long will the tiredness and muscle stiffness last? It's a chore to go up and down stairs. I started taking B12 yesterday hoping it will help. Thanks.

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I have also developed this - almost immediately from the first pill. I am trying to figure out if I have a cold or if this is related to the pill. If anyone had this effect and it went away... can you post. I love the pill in all other respects but cannot tolerate a head cold for weeks.

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I stopped the medication after 5 days because I didn't see any difference in curbing my appetite. However what I did experience from the first day....where yawning, headaches, allergies\sinus congestion (which is about to be 3 weeks now). I'll stick to 5 mini meals, seems safer, no bad side effects...

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I have had severe neck pain since starting Belviq. I can not turn my head and when I swallow the pain is in my neck. It's been 3 days.

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Will this itching go away? Redness, especially neck and face. I like the pill...scratching my face too much

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How do you wean off Belviq? I am having severe withdrawal symptoms. Queasy, nauseous, blurred vision, headaches, tremors, achy, weak, low blood sugar, etc. Thanks.

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I have only taken Belviq for 2 days and have developed a tingly feeling in my hands and feet, sweating then chills. I’m not taking this anymore. Will the symptoms go away in the morning?

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