Beline Capsules (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have ankylosing spondylitis and have been taking Beline capsules for nine months with remarkable results. I am largely pain free with an all round feel good benefit. Even a very long standing skin rash has disappeared. When I stop taking them the pain returns quite noticeably. Nonetheless I have strong reservations about herbal medications and intend to consult with my Rheumatologist shortly. Pity!!!

91 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Tiggy (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

After loads of emails to Beline, and the odd reply, I finally found that 'HR Focus' are the distributors, I found them (thanks to the internet) and spoke to a lady in England, who told me she had sold out to Spain. I found them again in Spain and lo and behold she was a Director of them too. I don't know if my tablets are coming, but I hope so as I do believe in them. Where are you based, Tiggy? If you are in the UK, just google 'Focus HR' and you will see the Directors, then go on and put in the Directors name and you will get a phone number. If I find out anything else I will let you know.

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Re: Beline Capsules (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

beline hjælper min mand,men nu har vi bestilt og betalt men får hverken piller eller penge tilbage,har skrevet til dem flere gange

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Re: grete (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

I have translated your post and hope I have it right that you have written lots of times to Beline? I did too, and never got an answer! As I said to Tiggy, if you google FocusHR Europe you will see the Directors name and then go on and put in the name of the director and you will get a phone number - I phoned and she lied to me, but she did get my pills sent to me from someone else! So it's worth getting on to her as the more people that annoy her the more she will have to do something about the delivery from Beline - they took our money so we should get our goods. Hope this helps.

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Re: grete (# 76) Expand Referenced Message


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Re: Amanda (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there. We ordered pills in August and have received answers a couple of times from Lynne Costelloe's husband I believe. Dan and they claim there was an error in their shipping system. We paid back in August and are still waiting. I am angry and frustrated as it is scamming people's money and playing with people's well being. I cannot get the number off so can you kindly just post it here so everyone can just dial the Director of the company and demand they send it? Nothing else seems to work.


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Re: Glenn (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Hello - Yes, the number I got off of is 07798 520819 - but don't be surprised if it doesn't exist anymore. I have found another herbal tablet that works very well and it's called Phynova Joint and Muscle Relief Tablet. I have found beline also from another company called Calixir Labs. Good luck

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Re: Verwon (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have a small blood pressure machine I purchased from the chemist, it's easy to use daily if necessary. My pain level is a constant 8-10, but with Beline my level is 2-3 so for me it's a no brainer. Just monitor your blood pressure, if you are concerned. My blood pressure has not changed!

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Re: Isabel (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I have been taking these capsules for a few years now. I also ordered a few months ago and didn't get the order. I have just found out that their website was hacked. It took me ages to get my money back and had to contact the bank to do so.

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Re: neela05 (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I now get my beline capsules from Calixir Labs - they are on the ball and haven't let me down, unlike the Focus HR .......

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Re: Amanda (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Amanda for your answer. I tried to find this address. Now it's 8 months ago and my order didn't arrive still.

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I've now finally seen a doctor and managed to come off beline, he's prescribed me indomethacin 75 mg at night and 10mg of prednisilone in the morning. That seems to have worked. My mind was made to come off after contacting the danish agency direct. They sent me lots of details of their testing and results, the three different packs tested along with expiry dates and where they obtained them from. I would suggest if people themselves are unsure then they should also contact the danish agency, the contact emails and telephone numbers are on their website next to the warning

I also today came across this new press release from the MHRA

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