Aripiprazole Antipsychotic Medication
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I want to know how long any patient can take this kind of medicine? Could it be taken for a life time if needed while no adverse effects are shown?

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Sorry for the delay in responding; We recently had to migrate our site to a new web server and had experienced some down time.

Please see the listing for Abilify, as Aripiprazole is the active chemical name in this drug.

Thank You

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I would like to more information regarding this medication. My 4 year old son was just put on this medication for bi-polar and would just like to get more information and would like to know if this medication is alright for a 4 year old. child??

Please and Thank You

I look forward to your reply. If you know of any other websites where I can look up medications and what there for and side effects please email me and let me know

Thank You,

Hope Poirier

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