Anyone Lost Sense Of Taste And Smell On Champix?
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Hi I started taking champix in October 2011 was only on them for a few weeks I am bipolar and found myself severely down so I stopped taking them I've also found that things don't taste or smell the same anymore I can't eat cucumber as it now tastes vile even fried food or fatty foods also taste rank! All smells seem to merge in to one and it's really annoying I can even smell my perfume or shampoos anymore!
Has anyone had these problems? Will my body ever be the same again? How long before this crap nasty drug leave my body? I've not taken it in 4 months surely it should be gone now!

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I started taking Chantix in April or May in 2018 and after about 3 weeks I started to loss my sense of smell and taste as well as feeling nausea all the time. It gotten to the point that when it was time for me to take the pill I felt sooo sick to my stomach. Now it's 2023 and my sense of smell and taste is barely there! Did yours ever come back??

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Did you ever get the senses back? I stopped taking chapix 3 months ago and can’t smell

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I started taking Champix last January. I finished the prescription as instructed. I did not quit smoking. I had nausea every day that l took it. Since then I have completely lost my sense of smell and taste. I am often turned off by food now and l have very little interest in eating. It is now mid-October. Most food tastes disgusting to me. I'm afraid that this may be permanent. This was not a side effect that was listed. Sounds like a legal case to me!

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I started taking Champix in the 1st week of Aug 2012 and persisted with them for 5 weeks then decided to throw them in the bin. Why? My mood was horrendous, always finding fault and I really had a struggle on my hands to control my temper (I'm usually very very laid back) it was very difficult and I didn't like what I was turning into so out they went! I'm pleased to say that I'm almost back to normal (anger wise) the only thing I've noticed which is quite 'odd' is that my sense of taste is very very weak. I had a great set of taste buds on me when I smoked but since taking Champix it seems to have wiped it out...can't taste coffee, coke, tea, toothpaste, infact it's pretty much everything. Only good thing is that I still don't smoke!! I would think twice about recommending them to anyone.

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I gave up smoking in May 2011. I never took more that 0.5mg per day (that's all I needed) for about 4 weeks. Being smoke free is heavenly. However my taste was affected. I could not drink any alcohol. And even now 15 months later most wine tastes sour. There are many other things I cannot taste e.g. fish. But salt and pepper comes through in everything I eat.

My taste seems to be permanently affected. I was expecting things to taste much, much better once I gave up smoking. It's been a bit of a disappointment. I;m glad to be smoke free though.

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Charly, since your issue has lasted for several months, have you talked to your doctor about it?

Some medications can cause these types of problems, but it really shouldn't linger that long after you've stopped taking it.


Has anything else changed recently, such as other medications, or having any dental work done?

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I lost my taste buds for a few days aswell. I made a nice breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausages and I couldn't eat any of it I tried a bit of everything and it all tastes funny but it only lasted a few days. I'm assuming it tasted funny because my taste buds were returning back to normal?!

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