Zoster 25

2 Topics Found

My dad who is a diabetic patient has been prescribed flupen, 2 tablets every 6 hours. His received 56 tablets! He got injured in foot with rusted metal. Will flupen have any adverse effects to his current diabetic condition? Does the quantity of tablets seem alot? ## Good day, I am currently using Flupen 250 for the Zoster virus. Taking 2 tablets 4x times day since using the tablets I am nausea and vomit and feel rather to sleep Should I go ahead with use of the medication. I am diabetic would the use of Flupen 250 be okay to use and vir cause m Thank you and have n wonderfull day. Maxine

1 REPLY Filed under Diabetes

small white pill with 93 on one side and 8133 on the other. approx size of a baby aspirin ## Hi leah, Is there any chance that the marking may be 93 8118 as opposed to 8133? I have not seen a match for "8133", but "8118" does fit your pill description exactly in terms of size, shape, color, and the imprint being 93 on one side with 8118 on the other side. It has been identified as Famciclovir (250 mg). Famciclovir is indicated for the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles),treatment of herpes simplex virus 2 (genital herpes),herpes labialis (cold sores) in immunocompetent patients and for the suppression of recurring episodes of herpes simplex virus 2. It is also indicated for treatment of recurrent episodes of herpes simplex in HIV patients. Learn More: Famciclovir Detai...

2 REPLIES Filed under Aspirin

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