Xanax Street Value

6 Topics Found

I have been on .5 mg of Xanax for 6 months to help with anxiety and panic attacks. I have four refills left. Recently, my family moved to Germany b/c my husband is in the Army. I was told that the clinic on base (the only place I can go) would refill my prescriptions if I just took them the bottles. My doctor refused to refill my medicine saying that it has a high street value and they don't dole out that many. She told me she'd give me 10 as apposed to 60 and said I should try depression medicine. I am in NO way depressed and the regement I am on now works just fine so I do not want to change it. Since I have four refills, can I call the pharmacy back home and just have my mother pick up my medication and mail it to me? I left a few things when I first moved and some of it was ...

12 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

i wanna know how much does the G322 White Pill Cost On The Streets For One Of Them ? ## How Much Does Per Tablet Of The G322 Cost ## I'm sorry, but i can't find any listings for tablets with this marking, nor do I have any information on the street value of any drug or medication. this site does not manufacture, nor sell anything, this is an information only website. Does anyone recognize this tablet? ## If its a white rectangle or "bar" thats scored into 4 parts it's xanax (alprazolam) 2mg. It's marked G 322 & other side blank. It's a widely found generic 2mg xanax (2mg's is the strongest immediate release xanax or generic alprazolam they make other than extended release 3mg xanax. This version (white 2mg xanax 'bar' is widely available since...

6 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Is this a Xanax bar. White long with two slots on one side with the numbers 93/1003. The other side has three slots with 5 5 5 ## answer to xanax bar with 3 slots. NO it is Buspar. Xanax has 3 lines on 1 side. Buspar is like zolift or prozac ## Liza is correct on what this tablet contains, 15mgs of Buspirone, the active ingredient in BuSpar, it is a different class of medication that is commonly used to treat anxiety. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness and dry mouth. However, it is not in the same class as Zoloft or Prozac. Are there any other questions? ## i just got some buspirone and i need to know how long it stays in your system and the street value? they have 93 1003*555 on the other side. please help.

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

What is the street value of a 2 mg. xanax "pie"? ## Depends on where you live!! ## It depends where you live. 2$ per mg to 3$ per mg on average, but a 2mg xanax could cost anywhere from $3 to 7$. This is for informational purposes only. Play safe! ## They bars , which is the street name for 2 mg xanax usually go for $6. But if it's the green rectangle 2 mg can go from $6 to 10each. They seem to be a lot more potent. Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have a "disagreement" going on with someone...Does this Xanax 0.5 mg. tab even HAVE street value and, if so, what IS it (current or otherwise, if "dated"). Thank you. ## Seriously a couple bucks, and a couple years behind bars for a single pill. ## I have a stupid question. What are my chances of getting caught making a transaction with someone?. I know these are stupid questions but someone had asked me the same questions and tbh IDK! I guess my answer is, if it's worth two or more years behind bars for getting caught ONE time then I guess two or three dollars for ONE pill can't be worth it LOL. I know, I know stupid people lol. ## Dude you're not getting caught if you sell a xanax to your friends I know kids who do it daily. I know of one kid who got caug...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

What would the value be on the black market? I would never sell my Xanax, and I know you can buy them for a buck or two in my area. I was wondering if they cost more because they are supposedly harder to obtain? ## From what I could gather, many people value them anywhere from $2-$8 per 2mg pill, although I'd imagine prices will greatly depending on the area, dealer, ease of availability, etc. I can understand by all means why patients would opt for buying on the streets, due to the pharmaceutical industries strict regulations and a host of neglecting doctors. But going that route is worse in my opinion, because these people selling on the corner are not required by any law or jurisdiction to give you what you pay for. And if you do get scammed, it'll usually take all your effor...

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

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