Um Thc Pill

11 Topics Found

THC pill for Shingles treatment ## I have shingles fibromyalgia arthritis I need something for my pain that was told that um pill works ## The US National Institute of Health has a multitude of articles written that discuss the therapeutic benefits of Cannabinoids (THC/CBD) being used for postherpetic neuralgia (shingles). Cannabinoids are reportedly beneficial in treating neuroinflammation (nerve pain) as well as the stress associated with it. Cannabinoids have also been classified in clinical studies as being "neuroprotective agents". If you run a Google search for "thc for shingles nih" as well as "cbd for shingles nih", you'll find some intriguing studies that outline the benefits of Cannabis for such purposes. The only issue I see with a pharmaceutically...

3 REPLIES Filed under Arthritis

ROUND CREAM COLORED WITH SPOTS ON IT LETTERS UM ON IT I WAS TOLD IT WAS A THC PILL? ## Yeah man. Those are thc pills. Little round ones, like not even pea size. Marinol. Its like the pharmaceutical name for them. ## That is correct and just to clarify, since many people misunderstand, it does not have the same effects as raw THC in marijuana, so you cannot use it to get high. It can have a calming effect for anxiety and stimulate the appetite, but those looking to abuse it will be sorely disappointed. I do not want to infer that anyone that posted here was looking to do so, but there are people that have been asking such things, so I just want to make the real details more clear. You can learn more Marinol details here. Are there any other questions or comments? ## What's the dosage...

5 REPLIES Filed under Marinol

red round with UM ## oval an green with liquid in it ## there are two types of thc capsles here in vancouver that my litle sister is getting int . she says there marinol and cecemet. one isgray white cap/ the other is red/white cap. I am concerned she is taking something that she dosn't know. ## cecemet is white & red, just so you know. ANd personally I find it to be very mild. But it depends on whether she bought it or if it was prescribed. ## Marinol and Cecemet are the same thing, just manufactured by different companies, but both contain refined forms of THC. Learn more Marinol details here. And the one mentioned in the first post is the U.S. name brand one. It can work as a very mild analgesic, but is most often used to increase appetite in people that are severely underwei...

5 REPLIES Filed under Marinol

The pill is round brighter orange has 44 on the top and 392 on the bottom, on the same side of the pill the other side of the pill is blank . What is this pill ?? ## what is small round balls with UM imprinted? ## UM contains the active ingredient Dronabinol, commonly sold under the brand name Marinol, it is used to help prevent nausea and vertigo. I cannot tell you the exact dosage, since you did not state the color. This substance is actually derived from THC and you can read more about it here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## 44 392 contains 200mgs of Ibuprofen, a generic or store brand of Advil or Motrin. This is a pain reliever, fever reducer of the NSAID class. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, dizziness, headache and dyspepsia. You can read more...

3 REPLIES Filed under Marinol

I saw some gel caps Saturday that were very small ~ pea sized ~ they were dark brown in color and said 'WD' in white letters on it. I was told this was THC, but I find that very hard to believe. The fact that there was only one and no bottle left me wondering....... ## You were actually looking at the imprint upside down, the marking is UM and the dark brown are 5mg Marinol gelcaps and yes, that is the medication derived from THC. The active ingredient is actually called Dronabinol and you can learn more about it here: Are there any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Marinol

i have a small pill deep burgandy or drk brown letters um on it feels soft what is this ## I have a small pill deep burgundy or brown, round and soft with the letters um on one side. What is this? ## That sounds to me like a morphine extended release 30mg ## Marinol - THC

3 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

has a um on the soft gel pill ## I know that people are frequently looking for information on this medication, so I'd like to add it…. Marinol contains a pharmaceutical formulation of THC, basically a refined form. It is a very mild analgesic and can also be used to stimulate the appetite. However, it will not create a high effect, like most people get from smoking marijuana. You can learn more Marinol details here. Are there any questions or comments? Is there anything I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Marinol

I have been taking gabapentin 800 mg 3x s per day along with tramadol 2 4 xs a day an still hurt anyone have any suggestions please ## Hi Susan, A few alternative options you might want to look into for neuropathy/nerve pain/nerve regeneration may be: CBD/THC (from cannabis) - Alpha Lipoic Acid - Cayenne - Also consider further research on the following: -Essential Oils -Magnesium -Vitamin B6 -Skullcap -Evening primrose oil -Colloidal silver There are actually even more potential treatments in the realm of natural remedies, but I hope this info helps as far as some suggestions go. Has anyone here tried any of these with success? I for one am a witness to seeing a cl...

8 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

white has um on it ## dose anyone know how this pilll works with pian will it help im on oxc


ROUND GEL CAP WITH UM ## creamyorange round with um on it


prescription thc pill

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