Triazepan Effects

2 Topics Found

three connected triangles, white tablet ## What is Triazepan used for and what are any side effects? ## I cannot find anything listed under this name, is it possible you're looking for information on Lorazepam of another Benzodiazepine? ## very strong sleeping tablet ## DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE? IM TRYING TO IDENTIFY A PILL FOUND ## tis small and white... :P mine say 5k1 on tho :P

5 REPLIES Filed under Lorazepam

its white and a circle, it has a M on one side and a T7 on the opposite side ## This is Tramadol 50mgs a very mild anti-inflammatory pain reliever, it is opiate based so classed as a narcotic, but it does not carry the same side effects. This is a generic for Ultram.

1 REPLY Filed under Tramadol

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