Taking Methadone With Dilaudid

76 Topics Found

for chronic pain, 8mg of dilaudid with 10 mg of methadone, taken orally, should do the trick for 12 hrs . no withdrawl to speak of. these are not recreational drugs. ## I have serious R.A with fibermalga, disks diease. My doctor and I have been trying to see what meds will work my chornic pain, i have been on every pain killer a person can try. So far Methadone has worked but my break through pain meds are amother story!! Ive heard that Methadone & Dilaudid works will together? Is there anything that will work better? ## So they work together? My only problem with Methadone is i have such a had time sleeping i try not to take it after 6pm, but ill sleep a hour then im up for about 10 minutes. I'll be sleeping really hard then i just wake up for no reason. I hate this roller coas...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am on 20ml of methadone and my roommate accidentally spilled the bottle. Now, I'm out of luck with my daily dose. However, he suggested taking dilaudid in order to prevent me from getting sick. The question is, how many dilaudid 2's would it take to make up the difference so I'm not sick? ## U won't withdrawal from missing 1 day, i was on methadone for a few years and i missed 3 days b4 without any opiates and was fine. It's after the 3rd or 4th day u will start feeling it ## I've been on 100mgs of methadone daily for 10+yrs & don't let anyone LIE & say u won't have any withdrawal symptoms of only 1 day missed of methadone that ur body is "used" to EVERYDAY b/c u will. However they won't be severe. Ull make it even though u will expe...

4 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

Hey! I'm taking 8mg dilaudid every 6 hours/4 times a day, equaling 28mg of dilaudid total daily. I have about 15ml of liquid methadone and i was wondering if i could take methadone before during or after my dilaudid dose and still receive therapeutic effects; Will mixing cause the dilaudid to not work? Could i go into withdrawal?; would the methadone compound the effects of the dilaudid? Thank you guys very much, i hope everyone is well (: ## Sally those two drugs would most likely add to each others' effects and could be potentially dangerous if you are already taking dilaudid regularly. Methadone is also an opioid medication (not a blocker) so it would not throw you into withdrawal like how suboxone would. Hope this helps and wish you the best.

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I have 4 mg of dilaudid but in on about 170mg of methadone, I recently feel and sprained my elbow and was wondering if this will take away the pain, or will I be taking it for no reason ## Hi Joanna from RI, because u r on such a high dose of methadone, taking the 4mg of Dilaudid will probably defeat the purpose. I wouldn't recommend taking the Dilaudid. You probably wouldn't get any effect from it anyway. But, I wouldn't mix the 2. I'm sorry 2 hear about your pain, I suffer everyday with pain. But, I'm on suboxone. Use 2 b on methadone, which helped much more with pain. But, I switched 2 suboxone. What a dumb move I made. I'm also from RI. Good Luck! ## No dilaidid is on of those meds that work great on pain while takeing methadone i was on very high doses of me...

5 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I'm on 80 mg Of methadone.how much dilaudid should I take to equal 80mg of methadone ## Hello, Dan! How are you doing? There is actually no conversion for Methadone to other drugs, it is kind of its own beast. It's known to be very habit forming and can cause severe withdrawal effects, even if someone tries to replace it with something else, so people on it are usually on it for life. Learn more Methadone details here. What do you want to switch?

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

I am a 40 year old male.I have been taking 36mg of Dilaudid mixed with 120mg of Methadone,every day for 2 and 1/2 years.The sad part of this is that I do it by way of IV.I am scared to death everyday that my sources will dry up and I will be stuck going cold turkey.Based on the doses I mentioned above.Does anyone seem to think I could die from the withdrawals.I was cut off for 3 days a month or so ago and I felt like I was going to die.What a relief when I got them back after that.I have survived 2 different bouts of cold turkey (5 years ago) from large doses of benzos.This was before I had any idea that it is more dangerous than coming off of opioids.It was a total nightmare for 2 weeks solid with no food just small sips of water was all I could ingest.I was on a couch for 14 days stra...

16 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

I take 50 milligrams of methadone what would be the same milligrams in dilaudid ? ## From my perspective, there's no easy or safe way to answer this question (outside of your doctor's recommendation) due to patient-to-patient variability, including differences in cross-tolerance from one drug to another. For these reasons I would encourage you to talk with your doctor about finding the right dosage; especially since he/she would be the one prescribing it to you in the first place and would already have done the conversion themselves prior to writing your prescription for Dilaudid. However the chart linked below is the closest thing I've found to determining how to convert/measure dosages between Methadone and Hydromorphone (Dilaudid). Perhaps it can be of assistance to you o...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

Which is stronger 8 milligrams of Dilaudid or methadone ## Appendix 1 in the following link displays a clinician's "equi-analgesic dosing guide equivalency table" that you may want to have a look at: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1163279 My opinion based on the chart linked above is that because each drug's onset, duration of action, half life and overall potency are different, there's no easy/safe way to predetermine what an equivalent dose might be without undergoing the process of trial and error. Not to mention that some patients are also rapid metabolizers of certain opiates/opioids, which may offset any predetermined data we come up with in regards to drug efficacy. Having said that, I think even if someone else reported one or another to be stronger, the pa...

3 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

Im looking for a doctor that would prescription for methadone, im currently on the fentayl patch -75mcg, 8 mg of dilaudid 4 x a day every 6 hours for break through pain, xanax 2 mg. 3 times a day as needed for panic attacls, soma compound for muscle spasms , i have been om methadone in the past for pain, can u reccomemd me to.a doctor in nassau county long i sland new york, to substitute all the pain meds im on for methadone, i can be reached at {edited for privacy} ## Hi, Michael! How are you? I'm sorry, but there is no central directory of doctors that will prescribe any given medication. And when it comes to Methadone, most are reluctant to prescribe it for pain, because it carries a very high addiction rate. Learn more Methadone details here. Since you're on Fentanyl, which ...

16 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I take 70mgs of methadone daily. I’ve been experiencing toothaches but it is unbearable right now. I have a Dilaudid 8mg here. If I take that now at 11 pm, will that affect my methadone dose tomorrow? Will it counteract my methadone or will my dose still work as accurately as any other day? I usually get my dose after lunch. ## Hello, Leslie! How are you? There is a chance that the Dilaudid may not work, since you are on the Methadone. The NIH warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Dilaudid

I am 19 weeks pregnant. I have been taking 2mg Dilaudid every four hours daily, which would be a total of 12mg in a 24hr period. I have been taking it since 13 weeks pregnant, so a little over 6 weeks. I have been taking it every single day for chronic kidney pain. My doctor decided to transfer my care to a pain management clinic, and my appointment is not until Tuesday, it is currently Saturday. My OB refuses to write me a script to get to through until my appointment, and even though I have been taking them only as directed, they want be to come in and be converted to Methadone. NOT HAPPENING. I will suffer through all the pain in the world before having a child born to Methadone. My OB has refused to wean me down on the medication, so I am currently off it cold turkey. My last dose w...

61 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

and fentanyl 150 mcg for spinal stenosis. Cronic pain for years but the last 2 is are finally getting to me. 8 surgeries, 4 major cancer and more, and 4 for hernias and so on. Always wear patch but sometimes 3,4 days mostly pain free don't take deludide.Then the pain hits. 16mg every 4 hrs bearly touches it. You would think not taking for days I would get knocked for a loop. This moring woke up from pain, it was like I woke up in recovery room. Took 24 mg dl and didn't touch it. Whats going on. How long can a person put up with the pain without going loony. Having pain like I have for the past 2 years is really mentally fatiguing ## You are building a very strong tolerance to opioids you have to go on a long acting pain killer like methadone. If you continue to increase your dos...

3 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

My father was a chronic pain patient with a spinal tumor who was moved off of Oxycontin and Dilaudid to methadone. Unfortunately, after a long, log battle, he became completely paralyzed and the tumor was in the process of killing him. He asked to be terminally sedated. The doctors put him on a morphine drip, but even after they quadrupled his dose, he was still in pain and awake. Eventually, they got to 4000mg a DAY of IV morphine, and it was ineffective. We did our research, and it showed there is NO conversion rate for methadone to morphine equivalents as there is with every other opioid. In other words, just to duplicate the 30-40mg a day of morphine he was taking would have required anywhere from 240-3000mgs of morphine - forget actually sedating him. They went to something like 40...

Filed under Methadone

Is there a dilaudid pill that is round, white andhas the numbers 54 on top and 142 underneath? ## Actually, the tablet with this marking contains 10mgs of Methadone, which is a narcotic used to treat pain and drug addiction. It has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Learn more Methadone details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Dilaudid

cybrox a pill used to get off methadone dont know how to spell or say it but i know its out there please help ## I heard about a new drug to detox off of methadone without withdraw. Only certain doctors can give it. It's taken in a shot every 2 weeks. Anyone tried this or know the name. I've been clean for 7 years on methadone but how do I get off it without using other drugs ??? Help. ## I KNOW WHERE SOMEONE ABOUT 19 YEARS AGO GOT ON METHADONE AND GO OFF OF IT AND NOW ABOUT 2 MONTHS AGO THEY GOT BACK ON IT AND I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT THE MEDICINE CALLED METHADONE WILL HELP YOU ## I think you're looking for suboxone. It's different from methadone but you still need to take it daily. ## I've been on 10mg of methadone for 10 days from an off and on dilaudid habit. I...

8 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am searching for information on how dilaudid compares with oxycodone ## white pill with m on front, no. 5771 ## For the first poster, Oxycodone is the strongest narcotic pain killer on the market that you can get in pill form. While Dilaudid is really a stronger medication, it is considered so dangerous that it is only available by prescription in a max of 10mgs, so for those who suffer chronic pain, the only option available in pill form to provide sufficient pain relief is Oxycodone. ## Gary, M 5771 is Methadone 10mgs, generic for Dolophine. The side effects for this are similar to those of other narcotics. ## Diladuid is not that strong once you get used to it. Whoever told you you can only get a script for 10 mg's at a time in not informed. I get180 4 mg. pills a month with 90...

15 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

About Me & A Question: After I stopped taking Dilaudid (prescribed) I got violently ill, freaked out and found myself at a for-profit methadone clinic. I was there for 6 months, my highest dose was 45 mg but I spent the majority of it at 30 mg. Even though I earned 3 take homes, I became VERY sick of driving in there 4 days a week and paying $450/month ($15 per day) and I wasn't there for the right reasons (because I freaked out from the previous withdrawal) so I started my detox and totally ignored their suggested schedule and did it my way (much faster). I've read nothing but horror stories about coming off methadone and the greedy people at my clinic told me I should drop 1 mg every 1-2 weeks. I dropped by 5 mg from 45mg until 20mg where I stayed for a month, then jumped ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am currently on 10 mg of methadone 16 times a day. I have to have something for my backpain but cannot deal with the side effects of methadone anymore. What would be a replacement drug that would be as effective? ## Hi Sara, Sorry to hear that your pain medication isn't working as well as you'd like it to. Some of these side effects can be pretty horrible, so I don't blame anyone for trying to find an alternative. A few suggestions I can give you for other prescription pain medications include: Demerol, Morphine, Vicodin (extended release), Percocet, Dilaudid, Opana, Oxycodone, and Fentanyl. Your doctor would have a better clue as to which one of these would best replace the drug you're currently on, but honestly, there's no way of telling ahead of time how you...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have severe case of Fibromyalgia with many flare ups where the pain becomes s bad I end up in the ER on dilaudid via IV. I became pregnant 6yrs ago and had been taking percocet for 2 years and was when I became pregnant so my OB/GYN advised on start on the methadone maintenance program. By the end of my term the clinic had me up to 175mg's. Recently I detoxed down 2 mg’s a week and now I am at 46mg's. It hurts something terrible. My PCP said after i’m thru detoxing that he will put me on a Vicodin patch s not to have to take pills again. My issue is as I go down even lower (I am holding at 46mg’s right now) I know my pain is going to be 100 times worse! My body cannot handle it and also I have a 6yr old daughter to take care of. I thought about a detox hospit...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I was going to the methadone clinic and 50 milligrams of methadone when I can't go anymore so what would be equivalent to 50 milligrams of methadonemy doctor prescribe me opana 20 milligram I was wondering which one is stronger ## @Nicole, RE: "what is stronger than methadone", According to an equianalagesic report by The Medical University of South Carolina (linked below), Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) would be the next step up from Methadone; and after Hydromorphone comes Fentanyl, which is ranked as number 1 on their potency chart. And please do feel free to correct me if you understand this type of chart differently. When I refer to ranking, I'm going by the order in which each drug is listed here: mcintranet.musc.edu/agingq3/calculationswesbite/convchart.pdf RE: "wha...

1 REPLY Filed under Methadone

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