Store Pills Network

4 Topics Found

I've seen in some social networks Pharexpress show pictures of a Oxycontin tablet with imprint EX 40, EX 20 and EX 10. The 40s are yellow, 20s are pink and 10s white. What I wanted to ask was if these are the same as the old OC Oxycontin formula or is it the new formula? On the networks they mention they are the old formula but, I haven't read it or seen it any where else. Nor seen these EXs in the first place. Never the less I wanted to check if anyone knew or can confirm if these are Old formula OCs. On the social network it shows the bottle and everything that come from south america. ## When I got pills I did not recognize from my drug store I took them back and they said that the pharmacist had made an error and filled my shorter acting form of the drug. You are sharp to pi...

2 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

Are there any FL Medicaid managed care groups that cover Buprenorphine, either for addiction or chronic pain? After becoming disabled, I can not work, depend on SSI, to survive, but end up spending 70% of that supplement, meant to cover living expenses, on out of network office visits and Rx. Unfortunately, thanks to the rx drug abusers and greedy (dr's) pill mills that once operated like candy stores, the only opioid available, legally in FL is Bup. Thank God I don't have cancer pain, but I do have multiple conditions that cause intolerable pain. I recently went to the ER with a kidney stone and had to pass it with Motrin! Anyone else in my situation? I realize other states do pay for Bup., but one can not up and move when broke. Believe me, if there was a way, I'd pack up wha

Filed under Buprenorphine

I've been using Zydrus brand for years at bedtime 1 pill. CVS gave me Teva, as per pharmacist this is only brand they carry bc of volume pricing. No more special orders, as corporate will not allow it. My other drugs i.e. alprazolam same story. Has anyone used Teva that has switched from other brands? CVS is no longer customer friendly!!!! They are my in network pharmacy. I'm screwed. ## They no longer carry Teva generic Adderall . They haven’t a few years Each location has only what is stored ## Thanks for your reply. However, it was Teva Trazodone that I was inquiring about. How effective is it compared to other generic brands. I was using Zydus. ## As with any medication, it works well for some people, but not for everyone. The only way to find out how it works for you ...

7 REPLIES Filed under Trazodone

I filled with CVS for three years and went in to fill my script and the pharmacist told me they have new rules, the doctor has to be within five miles of the pharmacy and you have to live within five miles of the pharmacy and refused to fill them. Then i went to walgreens and was told they didnt feel comfortable filling them at several stores and the others told me that they only had enough to fill there regular customers and were not taking on new people as i was a customer of theirs for at least three years until they were having trouble getting them ## I have been at the same pharmacy for 2 years and now they won't fill my prescription either, Everything is crazy right now, but we have to fight for the right to be pain free, I joined the Fight for Florida Pain Care network, you c...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

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