Side Effects Greenworld Slimming Capsules

3 Topics Found

If I am on anti hypertensive and cholesterol lowering drugs, can I still use any of the slimming stuff ## Hello, Nara! How are you? It will likely depend on the exact ingredients of the weight loss product you want to use. The best thing to do would be to talk to your doctor about it, to see what you can safely take. Is there anything else I can help with? ## does green world capsule contain ephedrine

2 REPLIES Filed under Ephedrine

Where can I buy the Amaigrissement Capsules? I get mine normally from Namibia. ## I'm sorry, but I have no information to help you. We have had several people ask about this, but I can't find any details on where it's available or what it contains. Does anyone else know? ## Hi I am Greenworld Distributor living in South Africa and can be contacted for any information regarding the products. It has no known side effects. Obese people are more vulnerable to high blood pressure and high blood lipid the lipid care tea can regulate blood circulation, blood pressure, lower blood viscosity through the dilution and dissolution of lipid substance in the blood. ## Hi, It is recommended that, before starting any treatment you first detox and deworm using Green World products for quick ...

7 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Does anybody know any useful information about greenworlds slimming amaigrissant capsules? - Effects, benefits, manufactures, and a website where I can actually find an image of it? ## Greenworld slimming (amaigrissement) capsule is basically for people who want to lose weight, without food restrictions or have very busy daily schedules, thus don't have time to exercise. -it's a natural floral formula which helps you lose weight safely with no complications or side effects -it lowers the cholesterol to keep you healthy -improves your immunity -prevents the symptoms associated with obesity pains. Bad cholesterol, tiredness etc. Composition: Cassia seed, hawthorn fruit, jasmine petal, roseleaf, bitter orange flower petal, mulberry, green tea This product adopts a natural floral fo...

66 REPLIES Filed under Green Tea

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