Round White E79

3 Topics Found

We got a new Prescription for Percocet, from the VA. It is round, says Endo 612. is this Percocet? We would like to see a picture. ## What color is the pill? It will help me locate the right one. ## white ## what does a percocet 10 look like? the one I have is oblong. on one side it has a 10 and the other side has the numbers E797 ## I have had a systemic autoimmune disease since a child, 50 years later and my immune system is rock bottom, started new meds to help build it up but honestly i hurt somedays all over!! The watson generic percocet 10/325 made the world of difference, and i could take only half a tab on some days! Just filled my prescription with "BRAND" percocet, and it was by ENDO. It was Yellow oblong pill with percocet imprinted on it, but i am very sensitive to a...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I have an unknown pill and was wondering what is was. I was told it was a percocet but I want to make sure. On one side of the pill it says 7.5 on the other side it says E796 it's a light pinkish color and oblong. ## You have a name brand percocet 7.5 ## round white pill with 311 E ## white round with E 311 ## oval plipa - 482 ## caspable brown & tan R 666 R666

5 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

What do they look like and whats the difference between them and opana 5mg? ## The only difference is that Opana is the brand name for it and Oxymorphone is the active ingredient, thus the generic name. There are several generics on the market and they will all have different markings, according to federal law, to enable their identification, in case of emergency. Some of the descriptions and markings of 5mg tablets include: E794 5, blue, round 54 596, white, round E612 5, blue round And this is not a comprehensive list, just a few examples. If you have a tablet that you are questioning and it doesn't match any of those, please post back with the markings from it and I will gladly check for you. Are there any questions or comments? ## What milligram is a moon on one side and 228 and...

4 REPLIES Filed under Opana

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