Pain Management Louisiana Baton Rouge Laplace

1 Topic Found

I am having a very hard time finding a pain management Doctor that accepts patients without health insurance. I've been in pain management for 7 years now, but my doctor was arrested so I need a new doctor and fast! ## Anyone know a self pay pain management doc in Louisiana?!?! Desperate ## Nobody seems to want to help on here! I was desperate as well. Dr. Defranchese in Laplace is amazing. DO NOT FAIL A DRUG PANEL! If you have too much meds in your system, he drops you! There's no second chances with him. I failed bc I did something REALLY stupid and he dropped me. I would appreciate if you found any other cash pay docs to pass the info to me as well. Good luck :) ## Why don't you go to and go from there. You can find a PM doc in your state, possibly your city? I...

6 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

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