Ova Bless Is Used For

4 Topics Found

Hi, I'm Joey. I've been prescribed Xanax for 7 years now, and I've had all kinds. I had yellow, green, white bars ... then my doctor switched my dose down to 1 mg and I've been on those for the last 4 years. I personally prefer the oblong G3721 Alprazolam, they're a lot better than other kinds that I have been dispensed. It just so happens that the only version my pharmacy carries are G3721. I highly recommend them over the typical bar shaped tablets. The colors don't matter, they're all the same, only thing different is the manufacturer. But you guys be careful out there. God bless everyone, thank you. ## It is good hearing from Big J tonight. Well put Joey! ## Thank you for posting this valuable information, Joey! The tablet with the G 3721 is manufactured ...

11 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

For what purpose ovabless is used, ## I am 20 years old.i will married in 1year but no pragnancy.my period cycle in correctly in 28,30,31 days in monthly.I am eating in ovabless tablet in 5 days but how to get in pragnant in one month.


I am 24 years old. I was taking a treatment to get pregnant soon so my doctor suggested me these tablets for a one month course. Will u please tell me what is the use of this tablet when it comes to getting pregnant? ...

white oval pill 799 and a p on the other side its a buprenorphine but does it have narcne in it please need to know ## No, this tablet only contains 8mgs of Buprenorphine. It doesn't contain any form of Naloxone. Is there anything else I can help with? ## how long do i have to be sick from herion before i take this pill and if i do take it will it get me sicker. please help i'm trying to get off herion. really scared of becoming really sick. thank god bless

2 REPLIES Filed under Buprenorphine

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