Morphine And Dilaudid

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I've had two back surgerys and I have a spinal cord stimulator in iam on 60mgs of morphine and 8 mgs of dilaudid and I still have break through pain plus iam on 150mgs of Lyrica iam just wondering what I can change to cover the pain. ## Hello, Sheri! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're in pain. You could possibly raise either the Morphine or the Lyrica to higher dosages to get better pain control. The Morphine carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. What other medications have you tried? How often do you take the Dilaudid? ## I'm on Dilaudid it makes all my bones hurt really bad.

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

I have had occassional reactions to Morphine shots in ER (severe nausea/vomiting, hallucinations.) And began to think I was allergic or sensitive to it. When hospitalized for severe back pain and inability to sit up or walk, I was put on a pain pump of dilaudid and sent home on the pump. I had never heard of dilaudid before but lost my appetite and anything I ate, threw it up. In 6 weeks I lost 23 lbs, just lying in bed. I became weaker and weaker and began to think I was going to die. I had told the home nurse on several visits what was happening and she just said it was a side effect. Finally a male nurse did my home visit and when I told him, he said he needed to call the Dr., who recommended going to ER and having my electrolytes checked. While there I learned it was a drivitive of,...

3 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

I'am taking morphine sulfate 30mg ir. how much dilaudid equal that or what mg of dilaudid ## It would take 7.5mgs of the Dilaudid to be equivalent to each 30mg dosage of Morphine. Learn more Morphine details here. Learn more Dilaudid details here. It's actually much stronger than Morphine, so you don't need quite as much to handle pain at the same level. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

After a brain & spine surgery a 1.5yr. ago (forever living w/ Chiari Malformation & related conditions, permanent damage, more surgery) I've been on 30mg. Morphine ER & Tramadol for breakthrough....but... (30mg. Morphine ER 2x's per day, a 15mg. Morphine midday and 2-4 Tramadol for breakthrough when needed...try to keep that very limited) my condition comes w/ headaches. Common. But they have been a bit more than expected-even w/ my sumatriptan, etc. Daily, a nagging heavy headache - not always a migraine / the Chiari h/a I know so well. However, it dawned on me that when in ICU, in a hospital stay recently for kidney stones (after last surgery especially, brain & spine) the nurses & Dr's realized that when they gave me the morphine (IV, not oral obviousl...

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

So I've been in the hospital for a while. I've used Dilaudid for roughly about 13 or 14 days through my pic line and IV . So they unsubscribed me to it but they say I can have Morphine. The Morphine isn't helping much and the pain was a 7-10 on a scale of pain and 10 being the worse. How long will it take till I can't take Morphine and it helps cause it really hasn't helped? I don't know what's wrong with me yet, but the pain does come back and fourth to a 5-7. ## What was the dosage of the Dilaudid and what is the dosage of the Morphine? There are two possible problems here, the first is that you may not be on an equivalent dose of the Morphine and the second is that it just may not work for you. Learn more Morphine details here. Not every medication works f...

6 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

Demeral, dilaudid, and percocet which has a cross-sentsitivity. ## Is there cross sensitvitywith a morphine allergy with percocet? ## Based on my research, there are interactions that apply to the following drug combinations: Demerol (meperidine) + morphine Dilaudid (hydromorphone) + morphine Percocet (acetaminophen/oxycodone) + morphine Quoted below are the precautions you should be aware of: "may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience some impairment in thinking and judgment. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Avoid driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. It is important to tell your doctor about all other...

2 REPLIES Filed under Demerol

I have been prescribed dilaudid for pain but I am alergic to morhpine. Am I safe or no? ## Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, which is another narcotic opiate. It's related to Morphine, but not the same. It does have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache and constipation. Learn more Dilaudid details here. Since you are allergic to Morphine, there is a chance that you may be allergic to other opiates as well, thus please watch for the signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, trouble breathing, or throat swelling. Has your doctor prescribed it and are they aware of your allergy? ## Regarding Dilaudid. I always have Dilaudid when I have surgery. I have allergic problems with Morp...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

I wanted to know if I can take double of any of these meds because I take them but my hips and legs still hurt excruciating I caught a really bad asthma attack in 2010 from pollen I stood in the hospital and they gave me steroids which gave me AVN so I need hip replacements now at a young age its pain as if u wouldn't believe but my meds don't really work for me I just feel high with really bad pain to where I sometimes want to cut my legs off I feel as if this disease has truly ruined my life ## Hello, China! How are you doing? I'm very sorry that you're in pain. However no, doubling up on the medications on your own is not a good idea, you could put yourself at risk of overdose. Have you consulted your doctor? You need to let them know that the current dosage isn't...

3 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

Dilaudid is a semi synthetic keytone or Hydromorphone HCL, so it is i feel its twice the potency of morphine, short acting though. I take 70mg Methadone HCL and Dilaudid for breakthrough pain. I did also get Percocet 10/325 but after this new law he would not give me a one. I never ever felt like a dope addict but yet feel they are scrutinizing me at some pharmacies. I am sick to death and because some people are just plain ignorant they ruined many lives of good upstanding folks of all ages. If he continues to cut me down i will go to another. I need help with that but i have no idea where to go in the Denver metro area. ## I don't understand how you are able to feel any narcotic with 70 mgs. of methadone in your system. Methadone works almost as a blocking agent once one has arriv...

8 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

small round orange pill marked ML23 ## Found a match it's Lisinopril 5 mg, which is used to lower blood pressure. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

is dalotta stronger then vicodan ## Yes, for each 5mgs of Hydrocodone, you'd only need 1.25mgs of the Hydromorphone in the Dilaudid. You can learn more Dilaudid details here and you can learn more Vicodin details here. However, they are both opiate narcotics, so they carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Dilaudid, generic-Hydromorphone 10-20x stronger then morphine. Dependind on administration route

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

What do you do when neither Oxycodone or Dilaudid work for severe lower back pain, due to disc & nerve damage from a fall. I was on Oxycodone for quite some time but apparently built up a tolerence for it, so my doctor switched me to Dilaudid...I have felt like crap all month because I am still in excruciating there anything left to try that is better than these wo? ## You might want to ask about trying the Fentanyl patch (Duragesic) or lollipop (Actiq). It is pretty much the most potent narcotic available, since it is over 80 times stronger than Morphine. Learn more Fentanyl details here. What was your dosage of Oxycodone and what is the dosage you were given of the Dilaudid? ## my oxycodone dose was 30mg 4 x a day for breakthrough pain. When that did not work anymore the...

14 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I am currently prescribed fentanyl 25mcg and hydromorphone 4mg aka dilaudid. Ever since I was switched to dilaudid I have been having severe BT pain and some not so good side effects like bladder issues that I informed my PCP and after seeing them 4 times they were telling me I might have to see a Urologist...smh here it's a side effect of the hydromorphone... anyways I was wondering if anyone knew the difference between oxy ir or morphine ir to replace the dilaudid and what mg I should be switched to. ## Hello, Jess! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain. The only Oxy IR dosage that is available is a 5mg capsule, there others are all either regular release or the extended release. This medications contains the active ingredient Oxycodone and you'd need 10.67mgs of ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

A morphine pump has been removed and now the hydro morphine has replaced it. Not many doctors prescribe Hydro Morphine and we have moved to the state of Georgia from California which is where the prescription originated. What can be prescribed in its place? Or are there any ways to find out who is in the network to prescribe hydro morphine. ## Hi Bob, Did you mean to say "Hydromorphone" (Dilaudid)? There is no such drug as Hydro Morphine, to my knowledge. In any case, there are many different alternative prescription and non-prescription options for pain management/relief. Although, if you're looking for a pain management doctor to prescribe Dilaudid, I think the links below may be helpful in so far locating PM Doctors within your general area: {link removed because site no ...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

My mother has spinal stenosis which cases her great pain. She uses B transpatches 50. which provides no relief. What could be used as an alternative? She is 84. ## I have cervical spinal stenosis. I have used fentanyl patches and lollipops in the past to control my pain. It is very strong but can be given in very small doses and due to her age I doubt a pain specialist would give her any grief over it. Dilaudid also works well for me but I am a poor metaboliser so not many opiatess work for me. You might want to ask about either one of these pain meds. ## Yes, the Fentanyl patches are also what I would suggest asking her doctor about, it is a very strong narcotic, over 80 times stronger than the Morphine, so the patches come in either 0.25mcgs or 0.50mcgs. They are time released and eac...

4 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

my mother had a bypass which went well, she is now in a care facility due to a severe bed sore due to a hospital stay. they have had her in bed and druged up for 5 months now. we have switched facilities and doctors. the sores are getting better now but she is on the pain patch fentanyl now and seems out of her mind. dilaudid just keeps her knocked out if used to much. we had her off morphine since it was doing the same as this fentanyl. it is so hard getting a doctor that will listen! they seem like they just want to drug people and let them die instead of getting them well. what medicine will work for someone with severe arthritis pain due to no movement. dilaudid has been the only thing we have seen that doesn't make her crazy and help a little with the pain. is there anything el...

16 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

TAKING THESE DRUGS EVERYDAY MY TEETH ARE FALLING APART HELP PLEASE. NO I DONT HAVE DRY MOUTH. ## First of all, are you sure you don't have dry mouth? All of the medications you've mentioned can cause it and it doesn't have to be a hugely significant dryness to be classified as dry mouth and allow bacteria to linger on your teeth and in your mouth. Even a slight lowering of saliva production can cause that. Additionally, narcotics can actually leech the minerals out of your body and many people that are on long-term treatment with them end up with extreme tooth decay. If you've ever seen pictures of someone that has been a long time drug addict, almost all of them will have severe dental decay or will have completely lost all of their teeth. The drugs they abuse tend to c...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

8mg of dilotid or 30mg of morphine sulfate.Which is stronger? Kadian 100mg or Morphine Sulfate 100mg which is stronger? They discharged me because he was not comfortable with the amounts I needed Plse tell me ASAP ## Hello, Scooter! How are you? Kadian is just brand name for Morphine, so those are actually equal. As to the Morphine and Dilaudid, those are almost equivalent, too. It takes 7.5mgs of Dilaudid to equal each 30mgs of Morphine. However, I am not quite sure what it is that you're asking. Can you please post back and clarify? Thank you! This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

I am getting knee replacement and I don't want morphine because I throw up and bad headache and hallucinate. Vicodin does the same. Is there something I can take that won't harm me? I have high blood pressure, IBS, panic attacks, and depression. I take meds for these. I can't take tramadol because it interacts with Xanax. I am very scared. When I got my galbladder out they kept giving me morphine. I was so sick from it. The pain was still there. Let me know if there is something better than opiates. ## Hello, Robin! How are you? No, opiates are the best pain relievers, but there are others available that you could try, such as Dilaudid or Oxycodone. The FDA warns that they may be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and c...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

cronic pain ## Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) is essentially liquid heroin and should be only prescribed for extreme cases of pain, due to the fact that it is highly ADDICTIVE. ## Dilaudid is Hydromophone, it is no longer available in just a liquid, it comes in pills now as well, instant release. It is a very strong narcotic, yes, highly addictive but no more so than any other narcotics. Also for chronic pain users, you are more apt to become dependent on the meds than you are to become addicted to them. Here's more information: Dilaudid Click Here ## My doctor of seven years that helped me with my disability dropped me after his nurse and wife desided they didn't want me there anymore. My doctor knew my problems but they wanted me gone. Now I'm stuck at a meth clinic cause I was ...

11 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

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