Market Preparation Of Iron

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preparation h

My son is using it to shrink his waist I need someone to say that this is wrong ## how do u stop the sever pain of hemroids when nothing works ## Hi I usually don't break out, but recently I have broken out all over my face. A friend told me to try Preperation H ointment.. So I bought it today at Walgreens. Will it be safe to use on my face? ## No, Preparation H should not be used except for in the manner it is intended, which is to treat the pain, and itch associated with hemorrhoids. Its effects are not permanent, so it is not going to help anyone shrink their waste in any significant, and permanent matter, and it does not help treat acne. The regular formulation contains the active ingredient Hydrocortisone, which is a corticosteroid. The FDA lists its typical side effects as pos......

Filed under Hydrocortisone
Preparation H Cream for Hemorrhoids

Is Preparation-H ointment better to use for hemorrhoids than Hydrocortisone? ## Hello, Matai! How are you? Most Preparation H formulations contain Hydrocortisone, along with other ingredients to sooth and shrink the hemorrhoids....

Filed under Preparation H Cream
Preparation H Suppositories Dosage

Can someone use Preparation H suppositories daily on a continuous basis for months? ## If they are suffering from hemorrhoids to such an extreme point that they require them for such a long period of time, it is necessary for them to seek medical intervention. On average, flare ups last a few days, requiring treatment with a product such as this, then tapers off for awhile. How long has this been going on?...

Filed under Preparation H Suppositories
Evion Vitamin E Capsules /preparation USP

i just wanted to know if i will used this EVION VIT E Capsules /Preaprration it will be suitable for my skin not get dry ?or it would be possible to make me fresh everyday?is it also good for anti stress ## It is just a vitamin E supplement, so while it essential to healthy skin, it will only help if your skin issues have been caused by a deficiency in it. Learn more vitamin E details here. The same refers to your looking fresh each day, as well as your stress levels. It will only help if the issues have been caused by a deficiency in it. What specific problems are you trying to rectify?...

Filed under Vitamin E
Didrex off market

This BIG BROTHER, NANNY US GOVT has banned Didrex. I can't imagine a more effective diet medication, though I had noticed in recent years, it was not as strong as it had been in years past. So, my friends, that's that. ## @jmm512, I haven't come across any official announcements by the FDA or articles of information stating that this was actually banned; except by the NCAA and other sporting organizations. If this is true, did you ever find out the exact reason why they banned it? Or do you think it might've been due to their inability to maintain quality control over the past few years? ## Two pharmacists have told me. The brand is no longer being manufactured. Why? I have no idea, except New York State is Big Brother and is monitoring everybody and everything. It's......

Filed under Didrex
Why is it off market

No drug store can get klonopin it has been taken off the shelf, very quiet what happened..One drugest said it was being changed and the price raised..???? ## You are the only one in the world that has reported this problem ## I can still get mine. why would it be off the shelf??? are you sure your druggist was being truthful? ## Dear Dan, I live in RI and I'm on klonopin. I never had any problems getting it. I get it once a month and they always have it. And, with my insurance, I only pay a dollar and change. I'll b getting it again, soon. So, we will c if I have any problems. I'll let u know. What state r u from? Maybe, u may have 2 switch pharmacies....

Filed under Klonopin
cartia xt off the market

I would like to know why they took cartia xt off thr market what was wrong with it? ## I'm not finding anything that lists it as being discontinued However, there have been several reports from people who have had great difficulty in find it. It is a calcium channel blocker, used to treat hypertension and angina. Did your doctor or pharmacist say it was discontinued? There are several drugs in this class that are available, so you might want to speak to your doctor about an alternative medication. There is some more information and a list of some of the medications here: Cartia contains the active ingredient Diltiazem, it is most commonly used to treat hypertension. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache. ## I was also told by the pharmacist that......

Filed under Cartia XT
is Levatol off the market permanently

what is the best replacement for levatol? ## Hello, Frances! How are you? I'm not a doctor, so I can't say with certainty, but I think the closest may be Labetalol. It's uses and typical side effects are very similar, as listed by the FDA, and may include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and hypotension. Has your doctor suggested any particular medication? ## What is the difference between Labetalol and Metropol 25mg ?...

Filed under Levatol
removal of rynatuss from market

Why is the fda causing rynatuss to be removed from market. ## The manufacturer doesn't have to remove it from the market, it is up to them as to whether they do so, or submit it for proper review and testing under the FDA guidelines. The problem is due to the fact that these combinations that contain Phenylephrine were never actually tested and approved. Are there any other questions or comments?...

Filed under Rynatuss
Ciprofoxacin is Still On The Market?!!!!!

I just realized cpro triggered my leg/hand muscle weekness, peripheal neuroapthy last June 2010. I was hospitalized, doctors never put 2 and 2 together, said I had Atoxia. They new I was treated for a UTI a few weeks earlier. I have never recovered, have trouble walking and just 2 weeks ago I had another UTI they gave me CIPRO 500 - again and unfortunately that is how I just figured out what happened. Can not walk unassisted for long distance - legs very week. I am more than MAD!!!!! ## Do you have proof that it was caused by the Ciprofloxacin? If so, have you contact the FDA to report the adverse events? All medications carry risks and some, though rare, can be very severe. Some antibiotics are known to even cause life threatening issues, in some people. That is why all possible risks ......

Filed under Cipro

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