Laz 500

5 Topics Found

can i use LAZ 500 tab. for acne because i am suffering from acne for last 5-6 years , if you have another better one medicine then please reply me with the name of the medicine ## Laz contains the active ingredient Azithromycin, which is an antibiotic and some of them have been used to treat acne, but it depends on what is causing your acne. Learn more Azithromycin details here. Have you consulted your doctor to find a solution?

1 REPLY Filed under Azithromycin

how does laz 500 works in the body and what are its side efects. ## Laz contains the active ingredient Azithromycin, it is a systemic antibiotic, which means it works to treat infections throughout your entire body. Its side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and skin rash. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## My Doctor Dr.Dinesh Kedia (Akola) has Prescribed me Laz 500 one tablet/day for three days at night. I have skin Psoriasis on my Finger for last 20 yrs. I am seeing a +ve change. Now skin is very smooth, and its looking like normal. ## my doctor suggested the tablet LAZ 500 for 5 days, now i am three months pregnent, what is the need of this tablet during pregnency time?

3 REPLIES Filed under Azithromycin

dear sir , i m using levera 500 from 3 years to now. i am using this medicine for the solution of brain hammeage. i am a victime of brain hammerage. i have done surgical operation of it. my doctor prescribe me this medicine. what are the side effect of this medicine. some of my problem while using this medicine are as follow 1.low thinking capicity 2.felling lazy every time 3.forgeting things 4.feel like hungerless 5.want to sit alone 6.body aches 7. ## my 20 years son taking levera XR 500 daily morning and evening with dilantin as per doctor's instruction since last three years. Let us know any bad side efffects on this tablet to continue.

1 REPLY Filed under Dilantin

My Doctor just recently Diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes a Month ago. So i was prescribed and have been taking Metformin 500 MG twice a day with a Meal. My first meal of the day is always a light one, if any and my 2nd Meal always in the Late Evening is generally med to heavy. But I find that since taking this drug that I have been sleeping alot, always feeling lazy and have been experiencing Heart Burn at times. But I don't think that I have Lactate Acidious that they warn of. Is this the Normal side effects of this Drug? And how long does it last? As I have noticed that if I stop taking the Medicine my Meter Readings are always above 200 after eating anything, so I probally do need to take the Medication. ## WHen you are diabetic, it is always advisable to eat more than just two ...

27 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

Hello i got psoriasis for several years ago .. was using dermodin nd dermovate ointement and cream they worked temporary then i got Osteoporosis due to cortisone in these meds .. now am asking if LAZ 500 capsuls works for psoriasis or not and thank you

Filed under Cortisone

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